Chapter 6

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(Dat bootyful pirate fax)

I couldn't sleep at all. I just sat there, hugging Fox (I finally named the plushy)  while staring at me purple curtains. Usually the sound of Freddy's voice would put me to sleep, but it didn't. I was wide awake, and nothing could put me to sleep. The thunderstorm outside definantly didn't help. I just... can't stop thinking about Freddy... and Golden. The two are so alike! But Freddy... he's just perfect compared to Golden. I love him so much, but, I don't think he'd ever return my feelings. I sighed and looked down at Fox, who was resting in my lap.

"If only he knew.." I mumble.

"If only who knew?" a female voice asked from the entrance of me cove.

"Ah! Lass, y-ye startled me."

She giggled and walked next to me. "I tend to do that often! Soo... back to my question! If only who knew what?" Chica asked again.

'Damn this Chicken is noisy.." I think to myself.

"Ehh.... i-if only Freddy knew how I felt about him.." I sigh and let me head drop. "but he doesn't even know me name."

Chica sits down next to and smacks my head.

"OW!! What was that for lass?!" I yell at her in PAAIINN.

"Stop being so depressing Foxy! You're already saying there's no way you and Freddy are getting together even though you haven't even tried! Freddy's a really accepting guy and I'm sure he'd absolutely love you! At least have him meet you before you start making assumptions!" Chica aimlessly flailed her arms around as a strange attempt to help prove her point.

Oddly enough, it helps convince me to take a stand and go talk to Freddy.

"R-right lass... I'll go do that now!" I'm trying to sound confident but I'm FALLING MISERABLY.

Chica smirks and walks out of me cove before bursting out in high pitched laughter. I can still hear the echo of her laughter as she walks down the hallway to the kitchen. I swallow down the lump in my throat and walk out of me cove. I peak my head around the corner and see Freddy sitting on the stage. I take a deep breath and slowly approach the bear.

"H-hey there lad!" I try to great him as happily as I can.

He looks up, startled. "O-oh! Um.. h-hello there!" Freddy smiles nervously and avoids eye contact.

It doesn't seem like he wants to talk, so I introduce myself first.

"I'm Captain Foxy! You may just call me Foxy though. What's yer name lad?" I ask after kissing his hand.

He blushes and looks down. "I-I"m F-Freddy Fazbear... l-leader and singer of  Fazbear Band." He speaks quietly. I'm starting to regret even trying to talk to him.

Suddenly, a loud voice echoes from the hallway. "FREDDY!!!!" Golden yells and tackles the brown bear. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?!" Golden screeches. I look at him and can't help but laugh. He's got his hair in two braids with little heart shaped clips holding his bangs back. Freddy bursts out in laughter as Golden glares daggers at him. It doesn't seem like Freddy'll stop laughing any time soon, Golden is aware of that. He he gets off of Freddy, his face flush from embarrassment and anger. He lets out a frustrated sigh as Freddy is literally rolling on the floor laughing.

'What a cutie.' I can't help but think. I look back at Golden, who's picking at the small braids with his finger tips. He doesn't look too bad with braids. Golden groans in frustration, giving up on trying to undo the little braids.

well that's that I guess. tbh I have a hunch that this was supposed to be a filler chapter of just the animatronics interacting and getting to further know each other? maybe there was supposed to be plot? i'm not sure what 13 year old me was thinking. anyway, thanks for being such great fans, when I left for three hecking years. if you guys still want to see more of my recent content (aka just art cause I don't really write anymore whoops sorry) then i'll leave the link to my deviantart

once again, super sorry about everyone I kept waiting for so long and also worried have to death. I hope this draft will suffice as an apology? 

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