Just the beginning

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The next day, Dawson and Elston got up and dressed in their normal school uniforms ready to start classes which they both had agreed they hated.
"What class do you have first hour?'' El asked as she was putting her blazer on and fixing her tie.
"Uh, what do I have first hour? Oh, duh, I have chemistry. How 'bout you?'
"I have Calculus."
"Oh, that's lame, but I think we have 5th together and then 6th and 7th with Cole and Griffin so it shouldn't be too bad."
"Yeah, I guess. *looks at watch* Oh shoot we gotta go, class starts in ten minutes." They both quickly grabbed their backpacks and flew out the door and headed to their first classes. After class was over, they went to their next few classes which had felt like they were dragging, Then finally headed to their 5th hour English class. Elston had got there first and waved Dawson over when she walked into the room and then she sat down in a seat El had saved for her and they started talking.
"How's your first day been?" El asked.
"It's okay, I guess. All my classes are pretty boring. How about you?"
"I just want the day to be over already."
"Honestly, same," Dawson finished and then the bell rang for the start of class. Finally, after what felt like forever, the class was over. Elston and Dawson stood up and walked out of the classroom. As they started walking to their next class Dawson noticed El had an expression on her face like she had just remembered something really important. "You okay El?"
That's when El snatched dawsons hand and yanked her into an empty classroom, pulled out her wand and a sharpie.
"El, what are you doing?"
"Hold on. I'll explain."
She finished drawing the symbol then pressed her wand to Dawson's wrist. After a few seconds, a fancy looking symbol appeared . The symbol consisted of what looked like a heart facing her with a raindrop intertwined with it. As Dawson was about to ask another question. Elston had to cut her off.
"I'm sorry I did this right here, right now, but I'll explain back in the dorm after classes." Elston walked a bit ahead of Dawson worried about getting to class on time. "Welp, I never thought my first tattoo would be from a sharpie and magic wand". Dawson said, examining her wrist before it faded into her skin before disappearing, then heading down the hall after Elston.
They both opened the door and headed to their last classes of the day with Griffin and Cole where they all nodded their heads sharing a silent acknowledgement of each other's company and proceeded to listen to a 50 minute lecture on macroeconomics.
After their classes they rushed upstairs and went into their room, shutting and locking the door behind them. As soon as the door had shut Elston started rambling on about how this was the symbol needed to get into the school at night so other people couldn't get in if they ever went downstairs couldn't see it and explained that anyone who wasn't a magic couldn't see that symbol because it had a type of invisibility that only revealed itself to magics. After looking at her new symbol for a little while Dawson grew a small grin on her face.
" Okay so you understand now why I had to do that quickly and why I couldn't talk about it?" Elston asked, a little out of breath from talking so fast.
" Yeah I think I'm all caught up now." Dawson said with a little giggle.
After their long day of school and homework, they both got dressed and ready to go to their night classes. They went down to the basement and got checked into class. They got seated, and the headmaster proceeded to the front again.
"Good evening young magics, there will be no formal classes for the next few days as we prepare for the tasks. Use this time to start learning spells and potions that will not only wow me but help me place you at your levels. Get to work!"
The group of four went to a workstation in the corner of the room and started helping Dawson prepare for the tasks.This continued for the next few days and the day finally came. The new kids were going to get tested. The first kid to go was a boy named Jake. Jake seemed shy and frail, as he went up to make his first potion he got his ingredients and whisked away. In no longer than two minutes, he had successfully completed the first task and was moving on to the next round.
The next up was a girl named Chelsea. She was a redhead with ghost-like skin and freckles everywhere. Before she went, she tried to come up with every excuse not to go. That didn't work out, so she was heading over to the potion cabinet and grabbed her ingredients, but as she was about to start she crumbled to the ground. Everyone ran to her except Dawson, Elston, Griffin, Cole, and Jake.
"You four, *pointing at Elston, Dawson, Griffin and Cole* go get Nurse Donwitch now," demanded the headmaster. They nodded their heads and headed for the door and down the dark corridor to the nurses office.
They reached her office and exchanged glances once they saw her just standing there in the door frame with her back to them. She slowly turned around and said, "I've been expecting something to happen."
Nurse Donwitch was an older woman, late 60s maybe. She was skinny and had stringy dark gray hair which was half held up by a broken hair clip.
"Um, okay. Anyway, there's a girl down the hall who collapsed and needs medical attention right away," Griffin said, still a little creeped out by the comment. The nurse asked them to help her bring a stretcher to the hall and so they grabbed all sides and hurried to the hall.
They arrived at the hall where headmaster McKennly and Chelsea were still on the ground.
"Did you see what happened to her? How or why she fell?" The nurse asked and she checked Chelsea's vitals.
"No, I was standing back and she went to go get her ingredients for her potion out of the cabinet and then she just collapsed," Headmaster explained.
The nurse left with no further questioning. She had taken Chelsea and the rest of the students were all left standing there still in shock of the events that had just occurred. After Chelsea was away, Headmaster Mckennly had dismissed the rest of the participants for the rest of the night and they were to continue at a later time.
Elston and Dawson were heading back to their dorm room after the weird night, they had both changed and gotten ready for bed, but after a while of laying in their beds staring at the ceiling, Elston turned over and asked, "Do you think that girl is going to be okay?" Dawson turned towards Elston. "I really hope so, but I'm not sure. I don't think I saw her breathing."
"Yeah. I saw that too, but I don't know. We are magics. There's got to be something the nurse or a doctor can do."
"Yeah. I agree one hundred percent. Anyway, we should get some sleep. It's been a long day at both schools." Elston agreed so they shut off their lights and went to bed. A couple hours had passed and out of nowhere there came this loud and painful scream from a couple rooms down. Dawson and Elston jumped up and out of bed. When they ripped open the door, they were surprised to see no one in the hallway — almost as if no one else had heard it.
"Did no one else hear that?" Elston asked as they got into the hallway.
"I don't know, but it sounds like it's coming from over there. Let's go."  Dawson said as she flew out of the doorway and started down the hall, Elston right behind her.
When they got to the door of the room it was coming from they both got really worried. It was Griffin and Cole's room. Even though they knew they weren't allowed to go into the boys room because of school rules, they burst open the door just to find Griffin lying asleep and Cole doubled over in pain looking like he was going to pass out. The girls walked in and immediately grabbed onto Cole so he didn't fall over.
"Cole, what is going on?" Elston asked.
"I-I don't know, a-a-all it feels like light-lighting all over my body," he said, struggling to get the words out.
At the exact moment he was telling them what happened, they heard footsteps and turned around to see the nurse standing there in the doorway almost as if she had been waiting for the girls to go to him.
"What happened here?" she asked, as she walked in and examined him. As she walked over to look at his back, Dawson had noticed her wand in her back pocket,the tip of it was very dimly lit a light blue color like she had just cast a spell on something... or someone.
"Alright girls, you should go back to your dorms now. You shouldn't be here in the first place. It's against school rules."
They both just shook their heads yes and got out of there. When they got back to the room Dawson shut the door, locked it and stuck a chair under it.
"Dawson, what's with the chair?" El asked, fairly confused as to why her roommate stuck a chair under the door.
"Okay, I might sound crazy but hear me out," Dawson said as she started pacing about the room.
"Okay, you're making me nervous," El said as she sat up as she could tell this was more serious.
"Don't be... yet. Anyways, I have a bad feeling about Nurse Donwitch."
Elston looked at her in confusion. "Care to expand on that?"
"Yea, okay. Uh, let's start with that Chelsea girl, the fact that she collapses and the nurse already could tell we were gonna come get her? Or maybe how we just got into Cole and Griffin's room and Cole had the most painful scream I have ever heard and somehow no one heard that but us two? Or I think the most revealing fact of my suspicions: the fact that when she bent over to examine Cole's back her wand was sticking out of her pocket and the tip of it was dimly lit a light blue like she had just cast a spell or something."
After her long speech Dawson took a deep breath of air and collapsed onto her bed. "I mean all of your points make sense. I just think we should maybe get some more clues and facts before we do anything about it," Elston pointed out to Dawson who was zoning out a little bit staring at the ceiling.
"Yeah you're right," Dawson said because she knew she was and they would need more evidence or anything if the nurse was really up to something. But all of those thoughts faded as she put her head on her pillow and fell asleep.

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