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So her dad paid you off to go out with her?" Cole asked.
" If that's what you got out of that then sure." Lane responded, still looking at Dawson.
" Why are you telling me this?" Dawson finally said.
" Because Dawson, I like you, I don't want to watch Diane hurt you anymore and I didn't want mine and her relationship to impact your opinion or view of me."
Dawson and Elston about snapped their necks with how quickly they looked at each other, exchanging a series of looks and eye movements. Then Dawson sighs and turns to face Lane as she walks closer to him.
" I am truly sorry you had to go through that and carry that burden of your family's debt and dating Diane for how long you did. I just- there's someone else I have feelings for, I'm sorry." She looked down as she said it knowing what had happened between them.
" Yeah I kind of figured. That's alright." He said as he started walking.
" Wait!" She called after him.
Lane turned around, "What's up?"
"Diane's dad. What does he do?"
" He's a scientist or something, I think."
" Oh alright, thank you." Dawson said, turning back to her friends as Lane walked.
The rest of the group looked at her really confused about why she cared.
" What was that about?" Elston asked as Dawson got back to them.
" When the nurse was dying she mentioned something called Science mist, and they were trying to replicate my blood and I was missing a piece to their puzzle or something. Also I was wondering how he was so rich."
Elston nodded understandingly, The guys nodded towards the door motioning for them to go into the library and they went.
A couple hours later after the group had finished the majority of their project the time was 7 pm meaning they had about an hour before class started, knowing this they got up and headed upstairs to change into their uniforms and get all of their materials. Meanwhile, Diane Dubre was in her room on a very important phone call.
" I don't know what you mean and I frankly don't care about your job right now, Lane broke up with me aren't you going to do anything about it?" She asked in a terribly whiny voice.
"Sweetheart I can't really do anything, His debt is paid off and right now we are working on something big at work. Something that could bring in a lot of money."
" How much money?" She asked as now she was interested in what the voice over the phone had to say.
" Double maybe triple the amount of debt Lane's family owed. I'm telling you once we figure out how to do this we're going to be golden."
" Wait what are you figuring out, maybe I can help?"
"I mean unless you know someone who has the ancestral blood with OmniPotents then I'm afraid there's nothing you can do."
" Well what would it look like? If it's anything related to magic, someone here has got to have it."
" Well, we aren't exactly sure but I was reading some history books and it stems from the last name 'Villin' but I doubt anyone at your school woul-"
"Actually dad I gotta go. Bye." Diane hung up the phone with a smirk on her face and happily skipped down the hall to class.

McKennly poofs into the hall with all the students causing Dawson to jump a bit.
"I will never get used to that." Dawson said with a slight laugh looking at El
" Alright class this week we will be learning about potions more in depth, the one we will be focusing on today is a rather simple one sanitatem tea, now pay attention  you will be quizzed on them in your level groups on friday." McKennly said as she pulled out her vials and bottles.
Diane walked in late pulling up a seat right next to Lane, " Headmaster McKennly, when are we going to learn about OmniPotents ?" She asked immediately, turning to Dawson to see her reaction.
Dawson's eyes widened slightly as she made stone cold eye contact with the headmaster.
" Mrs Dubre, First off nice of you to grace us with your presence. Second, we will not be learning about that potion in this class. It's fairly complicated even at your level."
" But you don't even have to make it right? Isn't it just a part of some people?"
" Diane that's enoug-"
" Isn't there a certain family that has it within them? And isn't someone here one of the-"
" Diane!" McKennly scolded, " That is enough. See me after class... Moving on, The first thing you'll need is..."
The words went in one ear and out the other for Dawson, not paying attention one bit. Just like the night of the incident her thoughts were racing a thousand miles an hour, How does Diane know? Did she tell her dad? What does her dad know? How does literally everyone know about this and I just found out? What happens if they find-
" Hey you okay?" Griffin asked jokingly, waving his hand in front of her face.
"Yeah, just thinking too much." Dawson let out a sad laugh.
After class they headed back upstairs, with the three of them talking and Dawson still zoned out in her own little world. As they reach the top of the stairs and head to Dawson and El's room they see Diane standing in front of their door.
" What're you doing here Diane, Don't you have anything better to do then to stalk us?" Cole asked, taking a step in front of the girls.
" I just wanted to talk to my good friend Dawson for a second."
" Yeah, fine , what do you want?" Dawson said with a snappy tone.
" I would lose the attitude if I were you." Diane said, inching closer to Dawson past Cole.
" What do you want?" Dawson harshly whispered, as their faces were a few centimeters apart.
" You know exactly what and if I didn't make that clear enough in class today then maybe I'll say it louder next time."
" The potion? I don't know what you're talking about." Dawson said, continuing the harsh whisper.
" Don't play dumb, Villin. I know what you are. I know what you have and you're going to make my dad millions." Diane said. She pulled away from Dawson's face and walked past her bumping into her shoulder on the way out.
The rest of the group walks into the girls room with Dawson immediately flopping onto her bed letting out a groan into her blanket.
" Okay so Diane knows about you and so does her dad?" Elston said, breaking the silence in the room.
Dawson sat up and turned towards her friends on El and her beds. " I don't know what she knows. I think she knows about the blood but I don't know what her dad knows which can be an issue."
" Is there anything that Science mist would need your blood for? Aren't they a normals science corp?" Griffin said, looking right into Dawsons hazel eyes.
" Normals?" Dawson said, looking around.
" It's slang for non-magics, it was apparently the only thing they could think of to call them." Cole said as he slowly fell backwards to lay on El's bed.
" Ah okay, well yeah I thought so but if Diane has magic she had to have gotten it from somewhere and- Wait."
"What" Elston said moving closer to her.
" We're a school for normals but we also have a magic 'department' for lack of better terms. What if that's the same thing there?" Dawson said with a hint of excitement.
" I mean that could be true. What do we do if that is true, how do we go about this?" Elston asked eagerly.
" We could always sneak in, find out what they know, steal any data or files that might have on the matter, burn them and then we're home free." Cole said nonchalantly, looking up at the ceiling.
A few moments of silence pass before he sits up and sees the rest of them staring at him as if he had 3 heads.
"Something I said?"
Griffin chuckled a little and said " I hate to admit it but that might actually be a sensible plan."
"Sensible as in stupid? Respectfully." Elston said, looking at Cole apologetically.
Dawson looked at El, " I hate to say it but I think that might actually be our best bet."
"You can't be serious."
" But hear me out, we turn ourselves invisible, use our magic to help us get in and out and then once we have everything I won't need to be fearing for my life."
" Right. But uh, who is "we" cause I'm not risking my ass to go get some papers, no offense."
" Then me and one of the guys can go."  Dawson started looking to either of them for support.
They both looked at each other before Griffin raised his hand volunteering.
" Boom see." Dawson excitedly pointed to Griffin even though he was less than a foot away from her.
" D I'm not trying to be like a mom but I really don't think it's a good idea you're gonna get caught and it won't end well and I can't watch you get hurt again. We can find another way." Elston said as she stood up from her bed and walked out the door to get some air with Cole following her.
" So that's a bust then." Griffin said, still looking at the place where his best friend had just been.
" Nah we're still going, I love her but she's not my mom and it's not her blood shed if we don't get this. Can we go tonight?" Dawson asked, turning her head to face Griffin.
" You sure? I mean she is kind of right it could be really dangerous."
" Not you too, you were on board a minute ago."
" No no no we can go, yeah let's go tonight."
" Perfect, don't tell Cole though I don't need him telling El and her getting worried for no reason."
" Yeah I won't." Griffin said, pulling the door closed behind him as he walked out. He stood outside of the door thinking about what he had just done.

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