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An hour or so passed and then Diane came into the room and went over to give Lane a kiss but when she put her lips on his he didn't kiss back and she asked if everything was okay. He looked her in the eyes and said ¨ No I know what you did to Dawson¨ She didn't say anything, He kept looking her in the eyes and said ¨ I don't think this is going to work out anymore¨ ¨ need I remind you of what I did for you the whole reason we started dating¨ she snapped back. ¨No im very well aware and I feel like a few years of dating has repaid the favor enough¨ She looked down and couldn't believe what she was hearing, then she perked up ¨ its her isn't it¨ He didn't say anything and then she got up to leave. "Diane, don't touch her," he scolded her. "I wouldn't dream of it." Then she left strutting down the hall as she mumbled to herself, "Why dream of it when you can make it a reality?" Then continued down the hall.
Dawson slowly and quietly opened the door to her and El's bedroom where she saw Elston still fast asleep. As she climbed into bed and laid down to try to go to sleep her thoughts started racing as she couldn't process what had just happened, Does lane like me? I thought he was with Diane? Do I like him? Where did the kiss come fro-'' Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the alarm clock for school.
Elston slid out of bed letting herself fall to the floor exaggerating how much she did not want to get up at that moment.
" A little dramatic aren't we?" Dawson said with a laugh as she pulled her covers off to get out of bed.
" Nah I think this is a valid reaction this morning." Elston responded with a little laugh but mostly groaned. After what seemed like forever the pair were done getting ready for the school day as they were greeted by a knock at the door. They stood there for a minute and looked at each other fully knowing it wasn't the guys because they walked to their room to get them. Dawson started walking to the door and opened it to see the last person she would've expected.
"Diane? What're you doing here?" Dawson asked, looking around the hallway.
" What, I can't just come say hey?"
" I mean sure? But we're not friends so what's up?"  Getting more intrigued Elston walked over to see what was going on.
" I know you were with Lane... alone."
" I was making sure he was okay."
" Yeah whatever. See the thing is he's mine ok?"
" Yeah alright whatever." Dawson went to shut the door but was stopped by Diane's foot and propped it back open.
Without giving a second thought Diane clocks Dawson right in the lip causing it to tear and start dripping blood.
" What the fu-" Dawson started asking while she touched her lip and looked Diane up and down. Diane swings again this time Dawson blocks it, While Elston jumps back thinking she was about to get hit. Dawson takes a swing at Diane hitting her in the jaw, rocking her on the heels of her feet causing her to struggle to regain balance. After this goes on for a while in the hallway Diane hits Dawson one more time in the eye before Elston gets in between the two of them holding both arms out causing the fight to stop.
Diane wiping the blood from her nose looks at Dawson, " You're gonna regret that."
"Actually I don't think I will." Dawson quickly replied as she wiped the blood from her lip.
" D are you okay? You look a little rough." Elston asked as she cupped Dawsons face examining the damage Diane caused.
" Yeah. Yeah I'm okay. Come on, we're gonna be late getting the guys." Dawson said, sounding distant as she grabbed Elstons hand to turn around and head towards the boys room.
As the two walk down the hall El has a moment of realization causing her to jump in front of Dawson.
" Dawson."
" El."
" Why wasn't your blood blue? When she hit you?"
Dawson stopped and looked at El, " Honestly I don't know, there's gotta be something that triggers it or causes it to turn that color cause it hasn't always been like that. But when McKennly cast some spell it changed colors."
El nodded understandingly and they continued walking.
They finally reached the door and knocked. After a few thuds and some chuckles coming from the other side of the door, the door finally swings open and standing there is Cole with an unbuttoned shirt and Griffin behind him with a messed up tie and even messier hair. Elston looked Cole up and down, Dawson noticing playfully hit her in the arm then turned her attention back to the boys.
" You guys have got to get it together." She laughed, staring at them both.
" Says the one with a black eye and busted lip. What happened?" Cole asked, laughing but also concerned. Griffin, hearing this, starts towards the door to get closer to the conversation.
" Diane had a bone to pick and so we did that, That's all." Dawson said calmly, trying to brush it off. Elston looked at her shaking her head and then turned her back to Cole.
" I think a better question is how did Dawson have time to get into a fight and you guys still aren't ready to go?" Elston said, looking right into Cole's deep brown eyes. Griffin disappeared behind the door, coming out with his hair and tie fixed with his shoes on and his book bag ready to go.
"She's got a point mate." Griffin chuckled a bit as he squeezed past them and joined the girls in staring at Cole until he was ready to go. A few moments later the group headed to classes.
After a day of the same ole mundane classes the group got together after their last period and headed downstairs to the library to do homework for both schools. Right before they reach the door Lane runs into them and looks at Dawson.
" Hey uh Diane told me what happened, You okay?" He asked, glancing at the other three glaring at him.
" Yup, I am all good. Thanks." Dawson dryly responded before starting to walk away.
" Look Dawson" Lane started as he grabbed her arm, " I need to tell you something."
Griffin started towards Dawson as she shot him a look letting him know she was okay.
" You've got 2 minutes, we need to work on a project." Dawson said feeling very awkward about what happened last night... technically this morning. Looking at her watch. " And you gotta do it right here."
" Yeah, alright, fine." Lane said adjusting his stance so he wasn't as close to her. " The thing is I didn't choose to start dating Diane I-"
"Shocker there." Cole sarcastically stated.
Lane shot him a glare and continued. " I- My family had a lot of debt my grandfather left behind when he passed and the government threatened my parents saying they would take me away unless they could provide a stable income receipt as well as chipping at the debt. They couldn't really do that because we are basically poor, but I had also found out I got into this school on a full ride and that's when I met Diane. We started going out and I told her about what was happening and then she brought me round hers for dinner and told her dad and he offered to pay for it. I of course refused because it felt wrong to do that. He insisted and just said as long as I continue going out with his daughter and making her happy then I could consider it paid back."
The group stood there in silence, Contemplating if they believed him or not.

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