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" Griffin I need to- I ne- I need to stop for a minute." She said after they turned a corner putting her hands on her thighs leaning against the wall.
Griffin noticed something was off but wasn't sure what, "What happened, did they do something?"
" No no I just am not feeling the best." As she finished her sentence she ran to the bathroom with Griffin chasing after her.
As soon as she got in there she ran to the stall and threw up, Griffin shortly behind her looked over her shoulder and realized she was throwing up blood and black muck. He sat behind her and rubbed her back and she got the rest of it out.
" You're gonna be okay." He said while he rubbed her hair, " We're gonna get out of her and go back to school and you're going to be okay it's probably just a stomach bug."
Dawson not being able to process a word he just said, Sat up after having her head over the toilet and leaned back onto him, fully passing out.
" Dawson. Dawson. Dawson!" Griffin said as he started trying to wake her up. He looked around for her phone or something to call Elston when he noticed the bracelet around her wrist. A ruby band that had a snap type clasp. Noticing that he saw the black running through her veins all the way up to her next. He examined the bracelet not seeing a needle or anything wondering what happened.
Interrupting his little investigation the group of men who they had just tried to escape from.
" You're a terrible liar son." Jim said as he looked at Dawson laying on Griffin. " Hand her over and you can leave."
" Hell no!" Griffin said, putting his arms around Dawson.
Daniel went and sat by him telling the other guys in the group he would handle it and they could leave. They did as they were told and then there were two... three.
" Look I can see that you care a lot about her, She's not well right now okay? Ruby reacts to her blood which has potion contaminants of sapphire making it deadly for her. If you truly care about her you'll leave to go get someone and let me take care of her. You can trust me." Daniel said very sincerely.
Griffin, looking very hesitant rolls his eyes and shifts Dawson from his lap onto her feet with the help of Daniel.
" Sir in the most respectful way, you are nothing like your daughter." Griffin said after passing Dawson to him.
After a few minutes Griffin walked out of the bathroom with Daniel behind him. Griffin walked away looking back at Dawson shaking his head. As Griffin left the building he immediately called Cole and Elston to meet him and sent his location.
Forty minutes later Griffin saw two figures walking towards him, He stood up and inches towards them cautiously.
" It's us you twat." Cole said as his and El's faces finally showed in the light.
Griffin ran to them arms open colliding with them into an instant hug and he just sighed with relief knowing things might be okay.
After hugging Elston pulled back and slapped Griffin in the face.
" Yeah alright that was deserved." Griffin said as he rubbed the now red area of his face.
" Okay now that's out of my system. How do we get our girl back?"
Griffin explained how they could get in and how they were gonna have to grab the files before they got Dawson because the room would be empty now that they got her. After reviewing the plan again Cole and Elston nodded and they headed towards the front door of the building.
Back inside Dawson, still lifeless, lays on a gurney with a IV in one arm and a tube going out the other.
" Jim, you can take the bracelet off, she can't do anything." Roger said as he checked her vitals.
" Thank you Roger, If I want a suggestion I'll ask." Jim said as he left the room with the other man in a suit.
Roger shook his head still tending to Dawson, as he was finishing up Jim walked back in with a case of red bags.
" What's this for boss?" Roger asked, putting the clipboard down walking over to him.
" Well we won't need to spend money and resources on replicating the blood if we just take all of hers and replace it with normal blood." Jim said as he started unloading the bags onto a large metal table near the back middle of the room.
" Won't that kill her?"
" I hope not but I guess we'll find out. You want that big paycheck right? Then make sure this gets done." Jim said as he walked out again, but turned around to say something before he left, " Oh and tell Dubre he's off this project and to come back Monday when this is over."
Daniel walked in to see a bag of blood hanging from the IV pole and blue liquid flowing out of the tube into a series of bags.
"What is going on?" Daniel asked as he went over and examined the tube and the bags.
" Doesn't matter, Jim said you're off the project." Roger said not making eye contact with Daniel.
" No please I can't be he's gonna kill her."
" Well technically Dan I'm gonna kill her." Roger said as he switched the blood bag on the IV pole.

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