Fighting for life

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Dawson calmed down and ran over to Lane who was still on the ground, she knelt by him and after trying several times to wake him up.
"Lane please wake up. Ugh you shouldn't have come back. This is all my fault." she looked down to then realize there was a giant slash across him.
She gasped and held her hand on his chest, "Sana Velox. Sana velox, sana velox."
As she started doing this the Nurse turned towards Dawson and started talking but it only amounted to whispers, "The science mist  making new, They want you, You're the piece they're missin-" Her croaky voice couldn't finish the sentence before her breathing had stopped.
Trying to comprehend what had just been told and focusing on healing Lane, Dawson sat there flustered until  Elston, Griffin, Cole and McKennly ran up to find her kneeling over Lane's body with cuts, bruises and small burns on her hands.
They rushed over to her and Lane where they saw the slash on his chest and her trying to heal it which wasn't working.
Griffin and Cole helped move her over as McKennly and Elston took her spot placing their hands on the injured teens chest.
After several minutes of magic he started to breathe again.
McKennly then asked Griffin and Cole to take him to the hospital room downstairs, Griffin picked him up and Cole evaporated them to the room and got Lane set up with help from some of the medical wizards (medicals).
Elston moved over to Dawson who was still on the ground and gave her the biggest hug. She pulled her head away from the hug, looking at Dawson. " This may be a dumb question but are you okay?"
Without moving Dawson responded. "Yeah I'm a little tired and a little traumatized you know? But other than that I'm really good." " Yeah, almost dying could have that effect on you." Elston held her tighter and started tearing up. She couldn't help but think about how she had almost lost her best friend. "Oh wait." Elston said, pulling back her arms from around Dawson taking them to her hands to heal the bruises and burns as she did, that McKennly turned to see the nurse on the floor with blisters and cracks all over her body.
" Hey Dawson?" McKennly knelt in front of her. " What exactly happened?" " Long story short..." Dawson proceeded to explain everything that had occurred in the last few hours, how the nurse had locked her in the hall and then she discovered when she gets really angry that she can create an energy surge and so she used that to burst open the door and then she ran to find the nurse and she found her in this hallway and then they started firing back and forth at each other, Then Lane came by and tried to help her and ended up getting hit so then she got really angry again and then she grabbed the nurses hand and then she ended up like that.
McKennly moved over next to her and hugged her.
" I know this may not sound great right now, But you're a hell of a wizard." She whispered in her ear.
"Thank you." Dawson whispered back leaning on her headmaster.
"Hey I have to go talk to someone real quick." Dawson said as she leaned off the headmaster and leaned against the wall to help her stand up.
" You're funny. You think I'm not coming with you? After everything that just happened? Not a chance in hell." Elston said in an earnest tone.
"Okay girls just please be careful okay? I need to go check on Lane. Meet me down there when you're done." McKennly had also gotten up and twirled her wand around then disappeared to the hospital.
The girls finally arrived at the door.
"What are we doing here?" Elston questioned.
"It'll make sense in a second,"Dawson said.
She knocked on the door and a few seconds later a shorter girl with black hair with major resting b*tch face opened the door... Diane Dubre.
"What are you doing here? I'm busy." Diana said very snarkily.
"I'm sorry."
"Your boyfriend..." Dawsons voice started cracking as she didn't want to admit why Lane was in the hospital
"Wha- What did you do!" Diane was furious.
She asked Dawson what she needed with what seemed like all of the attitude she could possibly have, Dawson started by apologizing and then Diane started to look angry, Then Dawson proceeded to tell Diane that Lane was in the Hospital room downstairs. Diane started to tear up it in a very fake caring way, Then she asked what happened to him and asked who did it to him. Dawson said he got hit by a spell and got cut in the chest and reassured her that he was going to be alright then she paused, Diane asked again who did it to him Dawson struggled to find the words but then she finally said¨ it was me¨. Diane was furious but she just stood there, then a moment later she punched Dawson in the face and Then quickly Elston gave it right back to her and Dawson was shocked pulled Elston back then Diane huffed and walked out of her room and headed downstairs to see Lane, and Dawson looked back and El and gave her a hug and thanked her and as they pulled away she noticed El's knuckles were bruised and bleeding so she held her hand over and healed it, Then El went to go do the same to Dawson but she stopped her and said¨ you've healed me enough for one day *laughed* take a break¨, then they both laughed and little and headed down stairs to be with the rest of them. Before the girls got down there Mckennly was looking over Lane with Cole and Griffin to make sure nothing else happened then he asked a few of the medicals to take a look at Cole and Griffin to make sure they were okay, then they went away. Few moments later

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