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Iyanna Brown, 19
Track practice. 📍
March 15th

I stood bent over trying to catch my breath after just running a 400

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I stood bent over trying to catch my breath after just running a 400. As I was taking a sip of my water coach walked up to me.

"Iyanna since Yasmine is out for the season I need you to be last leg in the relay with kiyah, Elise, and Janay." Coach Lee spoke up. I look at her confused.

"Who is that" I ask

"It's that group of girls over there and stretch with them." She pointed at this group of three girls. I jogged over to them.

"Hey y'all" I wave with a small smile. They all said hello back. We began stretching together. Kiyah and Elise paired up so I had to stretch with Janay.

"Hey girl! I been meaning to talk to you, and you are soo pretty" she spoke up.

"Awe thank you, you are so pretty too" I smile at her.

We wrap up our stretching and block up on the track to practice our relay. We continued to work on our relay for the rest of practice.

Practice had finished up and everyone had left. Me and janay decided to stay and clean up.

"You are real cool, I wish I would have talked to you sooner" Janay spoke up.

"Yeah same" I smile.

"My instagram is Janayroyale_, you want to go get food after practice" she spoke up again.

"Yeah lets go to the campus chipotle when we get done." I say as I look up her page. I go and follow it.



___________________________________ Janayroyale_

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723 likesJanayroyale_ pretty in pink 🩷View all 245 comments

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Janayroyale_ pretty in pink 🩷
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After we ordered our food we sat down at this couch in the lounge to talk.

"So where you from Janay" I asked.

"Im from Atlanta, I been here my whole life." She said. "How about you" she asked.

"Same for me, I really don't understand how we are just now talking" I chuckle.

"Whats your major" she asked.

"Im majoring in sports medicine right now. You?" I said.

"Chemical engineering" she said.

We continued to talk and eat for a while.


Devonte Jordan, 20
Gym, 📍
Same day at the game

I sat on the bench watching the game with a blank expression on my face

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I sat on the bench watching the game with a blank expression on my face. I got suspended for 8 games after that fight with JD.

I don't got a problem with that nigga no more but I think he still got one with me cause he always mumbling slick shit.

This sitting on the bench shit is aggravating, im just ready to go lay up with my girl.

I tune out everything that was going on around me and start thinking. Me and Iyanna ain't talked in 2 weeks and im starting to think she avoiding a nigga.

She still talks to malik and skyla though. Maybe it's for the best that we ain't talking though. I also been thinking about if I should actually tell Tirani about what happened with me and yanna.

It was just a lil kiss it should be aight

I  thought to myself.  I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard the buzzer. I looked at the score board and we had won 67-63. While the team was celebrating I just got up and walked to locker room.

I got my stuff from there and just left the gym. It ain't no point in me staying there. I got in my car and drove to Tirani's dorm.

When I got there I knocked on the door. The door swung open revealing Tirani. I looked her up and down and smiled. "Hey dee" she said with a small smile.

"Wassup baby" I bent down pecking her lips 3 times. We walked to her bed and just laid down.

"So how was the game" she asked trying to start conversation.

"Eh" I said dryly. "But uh .. I got sum to tell you" I say awkwardly. Tirani started adjusting herself so now she was laying on my chest.

"Okay say it" she said

"Well it was a while ago but I almost fucked Iyanna while we were together, but she had stopped it before we could get further than kissing." I sighed "I started everything so I don't want you to get mad at yanna about it." I try to reason.

"So you let me smile in this girl face like she was my friend while y'all really had something going on behind my back." She sat up and I could hear the hurt in her voice. I started to feel bad. "When this happen" she spoke up again.

"It was that day I left to go handle something for my uncle, I went to Iyanna house after" I spoke truthfully.

"So nigga I told you that I loved you and you went and cheated on me?!?" She looked at me crazy "you thought I was finna be okay with this" she scrunched her face up.

"AND INSTEAD OF APOLOGIZING YOU TELLING ME NOT TO BE MAD AT THE BITCH" she said getting loud. I just got up and put my shoes back on. I get that she mad but it was just a lil kiss.

I grab my stuff and get ready to walk out. "So you just gonna leave and not say nothing" she spoke in disbelief.

"I mean Ian got nun to say, I told you what happened and you got mad" I shrugged.

"Boy you just told me you cheated on me right after I told you that I loved you and you think I'm finna be happy and chill. You crazy." She chuckled bitterly.

"Just tell me ... do you even love me, or have you ever" she softened.


"Alright Devonte, Im done." She said sitting down. I began walking towards her because I genuinely felt bad. "Just go dee."

I just left and went home.



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