Chapter 5

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When the concert is over, I have completely lost my voice after dancing and singing along to all the songs with Andrea in the VIP suite.

I know I will never ever experience a day like this again, and the post-concert depression starts to kick in.

At the same time, I have never been happier than this before.

My arms are filled with friendship bracelets, and although I only had one single bracelet with me, I received about twenty more from some very kind and generous swifties.

I know I will get little marks from the beads all over my arms. But it's worth it.​


My legs are tired and my steps are heavy as I slowly walk out of the stadium towards the subway.

I feel the fear starting to take shape inside me as I realize I have to go back to the apartment.

Leave all the good and fun behind and float back into my horrible everyday life.

But I will never forget. There is not a chance that I won't remember all the amazing memories that I have created today.

I'll never forget how everyone danced and sang, all the friendship bracelets, all the tears and all the smiles.

But above all, I will never forget the best, most amazing moment of my life. The moment when I got to meet the person who has helped me through so much.

I will never forget that.


I can hear loud voices from the apartment from far away.


Mr. Watts has poker night.

The only option I have now is to get into my room through the window.

The apartment is on the second floor and if I just climb up the fire escape and then take a big step to the left I can reach the small ledge by my window.

Then I just need to open it. There are no locks on any of the windows in the apartment, so I will be able to open it easily.

I take a firm hold of the fire escape and pull myself up, one step at a time.​My legs are tired, but thankfully it's only a few meters up to the second floor.

Now comes the hard part. I move my left foot to the ledge, while keeping one hand on the ladder.

With the other hand I carefully open the window.

It creaks a bit, but hopefully no one in there can hear it because of all the noise they make.

Once I manage to crawl in, I begin the process of removing the bracelets that fill my arms.

It hurts a little when the skin is pinched between some of the beads, but it's nothing compared to the pain I would experience if Mr. Watts found out what i have been up to tonight.

I then take off the 22 hat, the most valuable and important thing I've ever owned, and lay it on the bed, while I'm trying to find a place to hide it.

If Mr. Watts were to find it or one of the bracelets, all the happiness from tonight would be over, and I want to do everything I can to prevent that from happening.

But fatigue takes over my body and I sink down on the bed.

"No Willow! You have to hide them, you can't fall asleep yet! " says a small voice in my head.

But my eyelids just get heavier and heavier, my breathing slows down, and I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the sun shining through my open window.

Damn i forgot to close it yesterday.

I carefully pick up my phone and check the time. 10:23am.

Oh god this is not good, I really need to make sure I'm up before the monster in the apartment wakes up.

I sit up and am greeted by the strong smell of alcohol, which makes me wrinkle my nose. Mr. Watts and his poker pals really are pigs.

​But I'm used to it, so I get up and start the day.


The kitchen looks like a battlefield and I have to watch where I walk so I don't fall over anything or hurt myself.

I don't even bother to look in the fridge for food, I know there's nothing but beer and some other kinds of alcohol in there anyways.

I know I'm not by a long shot eating a healthy amount of food a day, but I also know there's nothing I can do about it.

So instead of looking for something to eat for breakfast, I grab a glass of water.

That's when my phone starts buzzing and it feels like my heart is skipping a beat.

No one ever calls me. Never. Not once in my fourteen years alive have I had a conversation over the phone.

There is only one explanation. The bracelet I gave her yesterday.

I rush into my room and close the door. I press the green button that says answer and raise the phone to my ear.

"Hi" I say and I can feel my voice shaking.

I hear a voice on the other line."Hi! It's Taylor, Taylor Swift"


Authors Note:

I promised that this chapter would be longer, but it isn't and I'm very, very sorry for that.

Anyways hope you enjoyed it, and I'll try to update as soon as I can. 😊

In my Wildest DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora