Chapter 7

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As I open my eyes I am greeted by the sight of a extremely strong lamp. It takes some time for me to adjust to the lighting but when it's done I take in the surroundings. Fuck. I'm in a hospital . No, no, no. This can't be true. I try to remember what happened but I can't, my memories feel like a complete blur.

I don't know what to do. I don't wanna go through the whole process once again. They always say that it will get better, and that the new ones are good people, but they are always wrong. I don't want to change up my family again. Family. That's a strange word to use . I've never had one. Not a home either. I try to move my head around but it's like it's on fire. It hurts. Really bad.

That's when I recognize something in the corner of my eye. Someone's sitting on a chair staring at me. No, the person is not staring at me. She looks like she's asleep. But even though her head is turned away from me I know who it is. I'd recognize that person anywhere. Why the fuck is Taylor Swift sleeping on a chair three meters away from my hospital bed. I try to connect the dots in my head but I don't understand. But I don't mind, so I just sit there and stare at her while she's sleeping, like I'm a fucking psychopath.

She moves her head so that her face is turning the bed and even tho she's still asleep I can see that she's been crying. Her face is red and a little puffy, her makeup is smudged out and she has mascara all over her eyelids like she has rubbed her eyes really hard. Seeing that she's been crying makes me wanna cry too. I wanna know why she's sad and comfort her.

"Are you okay?" I suddenly ask her and she open her eyes in shook. I don't even know why I said that and to be honest I even surprised myself.

"What, where am I, who..." she stops talking mid sentence when she sees me and her eyes widen.

"Oh my god, you're awake! Are you okay, are you feeling good?" Her voice sounds tired but her face is lightened up by a bright smile.

"What are you doing here?"

Her smile abruptly fades away when I ask.

"Well we where talking on the phone and I got very, very worried when I herd that someone was hurting you, so I called the police and they tracked our call and went to help you. And so I came too, cause I wanted to make sure you were all right. "

Tears starts streaming down my face, but not because all the memories from what happened starts to become clear, but because of what she just said.

"You came to make sure I was okay? Why? You don't even know me." I sob.

"Oh don't cry, it's okay, you're safe now" she says and grabs my hand.

"No it's not that. It's just that... No one has ever cared about me before" I whisper and I can see how her whole face softens.

"Oh sweetie I'm so, so sorry too hear that and I..." she stops talking as a nurse enter the room.

I know who it is right away. I've meet her before. Probably two or three times. I have meet a lot of nurses during my past hospital visits.

"Hi Willow, hello miss. Swift" she greets us with a smile.

I just smile back without saying anything, and she then starts to talk again.

"I can see that you're awake so I was just going to do a little check and make sure everything is ok"

without waiting for an answer she starts to check all the needles and tubes that are attached to me. I haven't even noticed them before but now that I've seen them I feel a little panic welling up inside me. You'd think I'd be used to them by now, but even though all the previous hospital visits, it freaks me out. I feel Taylor squeeze my hand and I understand that she has noticed my fear. Even though the movement is small, it calms me down and all the panic leaves the body in just a few seconds.

"Everything looks good, the cuts and bruises will heal soon, you have a slight concussion but nothing to worry about. You will be able to leave the hospital soon but it is important that you are careful in the following days and get plenty of rest. "

"A slight concussion? That doesn't seem like nothing to me. " Taylor's voice sounds shrill and worried.

"I know it sounds bad, but i can promise you that she is going to be just fine. Now if you don't mind I'd like to have a few words with you while Willow gets some rest. "

"Oh, okay, sure" Taylor sounds a little surprised, but she gets up and walk out the room with the nurse, leaving me completely alone.

Taylor's view:

As I walk out of the room I can't help but feel a bit worried about what the nurse is going to say.

"So, I have been notified of the situation of what happened and I thought there might be some things you want to hear." her voice sounds calm, but i can sense that there is something that is just not right.

"As you now Willow was brought here because she got assaulted by her foster dad, Marcus Watts. But this isn't the first time this has happened to her. This is the fourth time. "

I gasp, not knowing what to say. The fourth time. Four times, a small, innocent child has been beaten so hard that she has ended up in hospital. How can they let her stay with that bastard.

" How could you have let this happen. How is she still living with him after all he has done to her..." I roar at her but she interrupts me.

"No, of course no one would have made her stay if we had know what was going on. The other times it has been by completely different people. She has been living in five other foster families before this one " she says.

The anger is bubbling inside me. How the fuck can she be so calm? And why hasn't she or anyone else done anything to prevent this from happening over and over again. Are everyone brainwashed? Are they really so fucking dumb? Or do they just not care? Cause to be honest i don't really feel like they do. For goods sake, no one has even asked the poor child how she feels during this whole hospital visit. There is no way I'm going to let this happen again.

"I'll do it"

" I'm sorry, what?" the stupid, non-caring nurse ask.

"I don't care what anyone says, I don't care if there is anything that makes it impossible, i don't care how much it costs. The thing that girl needs the most in this whole world is some one who cares about her. Someone who loves her. She needs a mom, and i will do anything to make that true."

The nurse just stares at me as if she doesn't understand what I'm trying to say.

"Oh for gods sake do i need to be more clear? I want to adopt her!"


Author's note:

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was going to do it this weekend, but I got sick. But now I'm fine and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😊

In my Wildest Dreamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن