Mortal Victory

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White stoned pillars lined my path, grand chandeliers sparkling above. Without my consent, my feet graced led me through the seemingly ancient corridors. Ever so often I passed a vase of flowers, different flowers. One vase was filled with poppies, another with alliums, one with shrub roses and one with normal roses.

Just roses.

I took a rose... may be useful later.

The corridors finally opened into a large hall where windows lined all the walls. Apart from five stained glass windows at the far end of the hall, all the other windows were broken. Out of them, one could see a never-ending void of darkness yet an alluring violet glow.

Turning my eyes to the stained-glass windows, I read the plaques below them. Blazing Sun, Righteous Stars, Wayward Moon, Devouring Sea and Merciless Earth.

"Why art thou here?".

With bravery I faced the owner of the voice. They were of a small stature, the fabrics draped over their anatomy was seemingly made of part of the galaxy. Wings of pure white emerged from their back in three pairs; violet eyes circled around their head akin to a halo.

I know them.

"This is not your domain". Their voice echoed with a weight of a high gratitude that the ruins shook in response. "I came for you... I needed a light to guide my way, oh dear blazing sun".

Silence. I hate it. It leaves an awkward taste.

"Thou shalt make yourself akin to Icarus". A small chuckle escaped my lips. With grace, I presented the rose and outheld it to the figure. "Let me suffer the fate of Icarus but shall at least have this dance?".

They stood silent as though considering my request. "Thou art quite the brave soul" they muttered. Slowly they removed their headdress, revealing their head of mousy brown hair. Within seconds they appeared in my arms, looking up at me with soulless dark eyes. "Let us dance then" 

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