Sakura petals

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Pumpkins sat in small patches under the bloom of the cherry blossom trees. Warmth crept up my fingers as I stroked the dark pink bark. From the corner of my eye, I spotted a single red poppy flower. It invoked a feeling inside of me, so I let my focus turn to it.

It seemed to droop slightly as though wilting. Another poppy sat not too far from it, that one canary gold. They were never from the same bush. Hmm... the feeling the red poppy invoked... it was anger.

... I don't like the red poppy.

Therefore I crushed it under my foot, over and over and over. Taking a step back, I gazed over my work. The petals and stem lay crumpled on the grass. Satisfaction filled me, returning the warmth from the cherry blossom tree.

My moment of self-fulfilment was interrupted by a sudden quake in the earth. Seemingly soft cries echoed through the sparse forest. Through the trees, I saw the dark tendrils of a void reaching out and swallowing... everything.

With my heart pounding wildly in my chest I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. The void was speeding violently behind me, I could hear it; consuming the trees, the pumpkins, the earth and sky itself. It was too fast; I couldn't outrun it. Darkness surrounded me like a thick blanket, its embrace deafening. I shut my eyes; this is not real.

Arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace.

~ "No one came to my party".

I opened my eyes. Her salmon pink hair swayed in the non-existent wind of the void and sad baby blue eyes looked up at me. "I came" I whispered in her ear. I returned her embrace and warmth filled me once again. "Thank you" she mumbled.


"Let's go make a fairy circle" 

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