Chapter 21: The Battle Ends

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"Listen Hiryu. People are getting hurt. Can we please just agree on peace?" Said Koto. "Only if you agree to merge us as 1 Adventurer Crew. And I'm the leader" Said Hiryu. Koto was hesitant. Koto's crewmates nodded. "Ok, fine. Just please stop fighting" Said Koto. Peace was then made. They then became 1 Adventurer Crew.


After the peace was officially made, I walked up to Koto. "Join me, Koto. Join the Waterfall Adventurers!" I said. He looked shy, but then he answered. "Ok, sure!" Said Koto. I then smiled. I then showed him to our ship. But then, a kid ran up to us.

"Please help me! I don't know how I got here, and I am homeless. I have never met my parents" Said the kid. "Okay, we will help you." I replied. "Thank you so much. Just take me to the next island, and I can handle it from there. My name is Toby" Said the kid

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