Chapter 41: Dos Tacos vs. Grainer

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"Bye Dos Tacos!" I said, getting ready to leave. "Bye bye!" He replied. I then realized I didn't know which direction was the way I came from, so I just guessed.

*Dos Tacos*

A few minutes after Tim left, a Hunter Vice-Master, aka the 3rd highest rank came up to me. "My name is Vice-Master Grainer. Have you seen a man named Timuki? I need to capture him" He said. I am terrible at lying. "No I haven't" I replied. He knew I was lying. "Step aside, big butt" He then said. "No way" I said. He used a sand attack at me which I dodged, turning into his height. After, I changed back to 10 feet and tried to kick him, but he turned his body into sand. Then, I turned into 5 inches and he tried stepping around to kill me but I was able to get on his back. Then, I turned to 10 feet, and head-butted him. He was pushed back a few feet. Then, I ran after him, but he turned into sand, and then covered my entire body in hard sand. Then, he took his blade, and stabbed me. Luckily, a few hours later, I woke up fine. But Tim was in trouble, and I did not know where Grainer went.

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