Chapter 45: Gecko the Theif

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We were all chilling in the bedrooms of the ship. Violet was outside. "Guys! Were here!" She said. We all went outside. "We have reached Azaviolet! My Kingdom!" Said Violet. "Finally, we have reached!" I said. Luckily, right where we were sailing there was a doc, and so we put the ship there.

Then, a lizard came up to us. But right after, the lizard turned into a human and kicked me. "No way, your still around!?" Yelled Via. "Who is that?" I said. "His name is Gecko, he was a thief a few months ago, and had a $35,000,000 bounty. He then was captured and was later reported to have killed himself" Said Violet. He then turned back into a lizard and destroyed a small part of our ship. Pine stunned him and then I kicked him away. "Hehehehehehe. I ate the Lizard Fruit, which allows me to turn into a lizard whenever I want!" Gecko then yelled. Violet covered him in flowers and then I used my water powers on him. He then ran away.

"Shoot. This damage on the ship wont allow it to ever be used again" Said Echo. "Oh no" I replied. "We need someone to fix it. In fact, we should get someone who can repair things to join our Adventurer Crew" Said Echo. "Your right. Okay, I'll go look for one" I said.

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