Chapter 40: Dos Tacos

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As I was about to leave, someone came up to me. He was HUGE. Multiple times my size. "Hey there!" He said. "Hi, who are you?" I said. "My name is Dos Tacos" Said the man. "WHY ARE YOU SO MUCH BIGGER THAN ME?" I asked. "Oh, can't you tell? I ate the Size Fruit, which allows me to change to as small as 1 inch to as big as 10 feet!" Said Dos Tacos. "Are you in Arrowbone?" I asked. "No" He replied. "Sorry. Whenever I see someone with a Power Fruit I just assume they are Arrowbone now" I said.

Then, a man and a woman walked by. Using magic, the man lifted Agent 3's knocked out body and killed him. "Your Magic Fruit is very interesting!" Said the woman. Me and Dos Tacos hid behind a tree. They then walked over and killed Agent 5 and His partner. Dos Tacos turned into an inch tall to hide. "I can see you both" Said the woman. "HOW??!?!" I yelled from behind the tree. "I have the Sight Fruit, which allows me to see through walls and increases my vision" She then said. The 2 then walked right past us, and I saw they were Arrowbone. So I just let them pass.

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