Don't Leave Me

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"Here we go" my best friend Erica says as we walk into school.
First day of high school and I am shit scared. The older kids (grade 9's and 10's) are waiting at the top of the school the girls dresses are mostly halfway down the thigh or higher and the boys are so tall.

This was how my brain functioned in 7th grade. I was like a mouse, always creeping back into my little hole. I was sure that I would be different in high school. Primary school was a bust and if I didn't get the slightest bit of attention this year, I was sure I would end up with depression or something by the time I went to college. I know, I was kinda desperate...

Now I'm in 9th grade, about halfway through the year. I love life and I still don't have the popularity I always dreamed to have but this was close enough.

"Hey! Where were you yesterday? I missed you!" My best friend Erica came running to me.

"Sorry, I didn't feel like partying."

"What? Are you on drugs?! We always go on Fridays!"

"I know but I wasn't in the best mood. I might come next week..."

"Why do you always do this to me?! I thought we were best friends..."

"We are! I just didn't want to go, okay?!"

"Okay... Jeez, what's got you in a mood?"

"I'm fine. It's just stress." That was a lie. I was pissed at her. She always ends up flirting with the wrong kinds of guys and then I'm the one making sure that no one notices when she's making out with her ex in the bathroom.

No, my best friend is not a slut. She just has a different way of dealing with things. Once we hit high school she started to gain more popularity and left me in the ditch. I hate her for it but she's the only person who cares about me other than my parents.

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" She asked me.

"I dunno.."

"I was thinking that, maybe, we could, you know, go to the city..? Just you and me." I don't know how to answer her question, I know she's just going to want to go shopping.

"Uh, yeah, okay, I'll ask mum tonight."

"Please? I really wanna do something fun with you"

"Okay, fine."

"OMG!! Thank you!"
"It better be fun, or else..." I sarcastically frown at her and we both burst into laughter.


School's just finished for the day, as I'm making my way to the school gate I'm thinking about how fun this weekend would be. I would start watching a new series on Netflix and maybe take a long bath.

"Hey! Eliza! Wait up!" It was Erica. "Are you comin' to stay at mine tonight? I've already got tickets for the bus." Oh shit! I totally forgot about that.

"Oh... Yeah. do you wanna walk me home? I haven't got my stuff yet."

"Sorry, I can't. I told Bea that I'd go with her."

"Is she coming too..?"

"Yeah! And Luke, Jamiee, Sam, Brooke and... Kurt."

"Woah, hold up. Kurt? Seriously?!"

"He's actually really sweet."

"Are you dating him again?!"

"Uh... Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Erica! He's not good for you, and you promised that we were going alone this time."

"I'm sorry, okay? Is it so bad that I just want to live a full and happy life full of adventure?"

"No, I'm sorry. I can't deal with your bullshit anymore! You always do this to me. I won't let you control my happiness. Goodbye Erica."

"What? No! Don't you dare leave me Elizabeth Jane Andrews! You're the only one I have left! Eliza! Don't leave me!" Her desperate pleads became quieter as I made my way down the path. Tears were streaming down my face but I was so mad at her. She never thinks about how I would feel. I hate her.

If you like the story so far, please leave a like or some constructive advice on how I could make it better. I've really enjoyed writing it so far and hopefully I remember to publish every few days. Thanks xx 😘☺️

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