The Good Guys Dont Always Win

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V.*

Uhh! My head hurts... I want to open my eyes. Why can't I open my eyes? Ooh! I can smell pastry! Wow... I'm really hungry. Great now the only thing on my mind is food. Wait... Food is always on my mind.

*Josh's P.O.V.*


"Josh. Honey, wake up." I hear the calming voice of my mother break the silence I have been in for what seems like forever.

I try my best to do as she says. I can feel my eyes twitch as I slowly open them. It's pretty bright in here. Wherever here is.

"He's awake," she seems tired as she says this, "Come on Charlotte. I'm sure he wants to see you."

Charlotte is my younger sister. She has a different father to me but he left us before she was able to even talk. He moved to Bali and married some bimbo. Charlotte is around 7 years old now, she's become quite shy but she loves to paint and do crafty things.

"Joshy?" I hear her whisper, "are you better now?"

I try to speak but no words escape my mouth, instead, I nod and wink at her. I now realise that we are in a hospital room, there's a clock on the wall which says 1.45, I'm guessing it's the afternoon. The blinds are open which is making the white floors and walls impossible to look at with out being blinded permanently.

"I'm so glad you're okay, baby. I don't know what I would have done if we lost you." She squeezes my arm lightly and her eyes start to water.

"I love you mum."

"I love you too," she kisses my hand and says, "I think your brother's a little tired. Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Okay," Charlotte doesn't seem too happy about leaving me, "can we get ice cream?"

"Of course darling!" They walk to the door hand in hand, before they go I say,

"Hey, mum..." She walks back over to me leaving Charlotte on her own, "I'm sorry." She gives me a sympathetic look, kisses my forehead and walks out the door. My eyes drift, as I slowly fall back to sleep.

23 hours later...

I had a dream last night. About Natalie and Elizabeth. I had to save them. I couldn't save them. I failed an easy task. How could I let that happen?

A have a small spasm as I wake up. I lie there, looking up at the ceiling. Are they okay? Are they alive? I should have done more. I'm so stupid. My eyes begin to water and before I know it the tears are less like a trickle and more like Niagara Falls. I lay there sobbing for a few more hours and then eventually drift back to sleep. This routine is becoming exhausting.

A Few Days Later...

I'm finally able to walk without falling over. I have a fractured arm, a broken ankle and something with my rib, I can't quite remember. It's been a week since my dream and I still haven't asked about Elizabeth and Natalie. I guess I'm scared of what the answer will be.

I see mum and Charlotte come around the corner. They both hug me at the same time, which is painful but I fight it.

"I'm so sorry that we haven't been able to come by since Tuesday."

"It's alright. Can we go soon?" I ask, excited to leave this shithole.

"Yep, they just want to run a few more tests."

"Okay," I hesitate before saying, "what happened to Elizabeth and Natalie?"

Mum looks down and says, "I'm sorry honey... Natalie, she... She didn't make it."

"No, no, no... No!" I don't realise that I'm yelling until mum puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at her, my eyes glossy with tears, "wh... What about Elizabeth?"

She pulls me into a hug, "she's in a coma... The doctors still aren't sure what the cause was. She had some internal bleeding and a concussion."

"Oh my god... Why?!" I can barely breathe.

"It's okay Joshy." Charlotte hugs my legs, I get down on my knees so I can hug her properly. I can't believe this happened..! I tried to save them! I'm so stupid! Oh god, Nat's gone... No... I don't want to believe it. She can't be gone.

I didn't go to the funeral. Instead I went to visit Eliza. I felt bad but I couldn't deal with it. I loved her. I always did. Even after she broke up with me.

3 Months later...

It's almost been 3 months. Eliza's still in a coma. I visit her every few days, hoping that it will be the day she wakes up. I won't stop believing that she will. I know she will.

A year later...

Elizabeth still hasn't woken up from the coma. I did some research, apparently, people can be in a coma for years, as long as they are in a stable condition. I come back to the hospital once a week, every time I hope, desperately that she will come back.

9 Months Later...

"I don't know what to say anymore... It kinda feels like I'm talking to a brick wall. I really like you, please come back to me."

She lies there, lifeless and on the edge of death.

"Uhh..." She groans.

"Oh my god..! Hello?! Eliza, it's me!" I yell. A nurse comes in and shushes me, "she's alive..." As soon as I say it her eyes go wide,

"Doctor... Doctor..! Patient 246 is back!!" A doctor walks in,

"Well, you're a lucky young man," he goes around to the other side of the bed and does some small tests like, checking her eyesight. Once they both leave the room I look down at her, she's so beautiful.

"Hey" I say quietly, "how are you?"

She slowly looks up at me, confused. "Who are you?"


Hey guys! This is the last chapter that I am publishing for Bullshit. I am sorry if this disappoints any of you but I'm currently working on a new story. It's a 5 Seconds of Summer fan fiction. If I get enough requests, I might write a part two for Bullshit.

Bye! 😘☺️🍤

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