The 'Big' Move

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I haven't been back at school for a week, so far I think I've missed my trigonometry test, my performance in music and the end of term assembly. I can't go back though. I was only suspended for two days, I should have still done the other 3 days. Oh well.

A Month Later

"Are you ready Liz? We need to be ready in 2 hours."

"Coming mum!" Getting up in the morning is the biggest workout I do. first I stretch for about 6 hours (10 minutes), then I do a very slow and painful sit up, once I'm up I hop into my slippers and crawl down the hallway. Wait, does that make me lazy..? Nah!

"Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay?" My dad has this really annoying habit of always being in a great mood. The only time I've ever really seen him angry was when Erica and I came home at 3 o'clock in the morning with two, unfamiliar guys. As soon as the boys saw him they ran as fast as they could...

"Uh, yeah... I slept okay, I guess"

"What!? Why aren't you dressed?!" Mums stressed, I can see it by the tiny wrinkles in her smooth forehead.

"Oh, sorry I thought that food was a basic human right..."

"Oh, sure... Sorry." She gets out the musli and a whole heap of fruit.

"Whoa, wait, that's for you right?"

"I thought you were hungry."

"Yeah, but for food, not... That."

"It's nutritious."

"So is Nutella."

"Okay then..." she puts the fruit back in the bowl. Our house is mostly empty now. The only things we really have left are the fridge and some mattresses to sleep on. The rest of it is already in the monster shipping container which is on a boat, on its way to Sydney, the reason we need one is because we're moving from an island state to the mainland.

Once I finish my toast I go and have a shower. The feeling of warm water on my body is like heaven on a cold morning. My feet sting as soon as the water hits them, it's painful but once they adjust to the temperature... Yeah, I can't even begin to explain how good that feels.

I walk swiftly from the shower to the other end of the bathroom where my towel was neatly folded. I look in the mirror as I do every morning after a shower. I wouldn't say that I have an 'attractive' body shape but at the same time I'm far from fat. Once I'm dry I moisturise and get dressed. Today I went for black jeans and a shirt with 'Nirvana' written in the front.

"You're finally ready?!" Mum screeches as I make my way out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam consuming me.


"Okay, well we need to get to the airport ASAP! We only have 20 minutes." I don't understand why she's rushing us we basically live next door to the airport.

In the waiting room I check my Wattpad. I'm writing a fanfic about 5sos, it has 2 reads and 0 votes. I guess Erica was partly right, I am a nobody.

The lady at the desk calls out, "Flight from Hobart to Sydney!" Mum was half asleep but as soon as she heard the words 'Hobart to Sydney' her head shot up.

"This is it! C'mon Eliza!" She pulls on my arm and drags me to the line.

When we're finally in the plane it's 11:37 a.m. I turn my phone to flight mode and put on my music; a bit of Nirvana, some Green Day, some Sum 41 and a shit tonne of Blink-182. Mum squeezes my hand as we take off. I've only ever really been out of Tasmania twice and both times it was to go and see family. It was so hard to believe that I was never going to see the people who I'd spent the last 3 years with ever again. but I'm prepared for a fresh start. It'll be a good experience, right?

Hey there, I hope you're enjoying my story so far. I love writing it! To those of you who don't know... Australia is divided into 6 states, one of them is called Tasmania and it's basically an island just under the 'mainland'. So, Eliza and her family live in Tas and then decide to move to Sydney! ☺️🇦🇺

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