They're Gone!

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*Mum's P.O.V.*

Eliza - Hey mum, I found some really nice friends. I'll be home in an hour? 😘

It's 4.56. I really just want to go and pick her up, we've been here, what? 24 hours max, how does she already have a new group of friends.

"She said she'll be home in about an hour." Everyone is still sitting at the table, they all nod.

I go and sit at the table with the others, "So, how did you two meet?"

"At the bar. Was 'bout three weeks ago now, right?" Ken says, I've never seen my brother so happy before.

"Yes dear." That stupid bitch is texting. She flicks her hand to act as though she was listening. Ken's face slightly looses colour.

"So, Matilda, what do you do?" For the first time in a long time I heard anger in my husbands voice. Even Kenny looks shocked.

"What?" she finally looks up.

"What do you do? For a job."

"Oh. I used to be a dancer. When I lived in L.A. Didn't I honey?"

"Yes dear." Ken looks down, obviously he didn't like the fact that she could dance.

"Oh yes, ballet? Or break dancing? Or what?" I ask, curious to know what she could do.

"It's kinda like ballet but you wear less clothes and most of the twirls and flips are done on a pole." She giggles a little.

"Oh! So, you were a stripper?" I can feel my eyes widen and my face starting to heat up.

"No, more like an exotic pole dancer." She winks and then goes back to her texting. I give Ken a look that says 'Why? What on earth are you doing?'. He replies by shrugging his shoulders and saying,

"You know what? I think we'll head off soon. It'll take a while to get back home."

"Alright. I'll walk you both to the door." I say in my worst attempt of sounding calm.

Once they're gone I go straight to my husband John, "she was awful!"

"I know. But Ken seems happy so let's just support him. Okay?"

"How do you do that?" I slowly wrap my arms around him, enclosing him in a hug.

"Do what?"

"Stay calm. I was so close to pulling that bitches head off, whether he loves her or not."

"Susan. That's a little far, no?"

"No. She's horrid. And she pole dances..." We both break into laughter.

Two hours later...

"Where is she?" I say, worried.

"Who?" We're still sitting in the lounge waiting for Eliza.

"Elizabeth. She should be back by now."

"Let her have fun. It's a new city, just let her experiment."

"With what? Drugs? Alcohol? Boys?" I can feel my bottom lip quivering.

"No. She's probably just at a restaurant."

"Maybe..." I curl up in his arms. I must just be really stressed out.

*Ken's P.O.V.*

"So. What'd you think of Susan and John?" Mattie is still texting. I love her 'n' all but she could at least make an' effort.

"That's nice dear."

"Did ya hear me?"

"Mmmhmm..." She was deeply focused on what was on her iPhone screen. I would have taken it from her but thought better of it. We drove in silence for the rest of the way home. Once we arrived home Mattie changed clothes; black jeans, a black top and a black leather jacket.

"What? Ya gonna rob a bank?"

"No dear. I'm just going out. I'll be back in a few hours, okay?"

"Wait, I'll drive ya."

"No!" She yells, "sorry, I mean no thank you sweetie. I'm meeting the girls at the cinemas."

"Alright dear. See ya later..." She walks out the door. I go to follow her but that would be too much effort. So, I go back to the TV.

1 Hour Later...

Ring, ring... Ring, ring... RING!!! I wake up to my ringtone. Oh, it's Matilda. I wonder what she wants.

I clear my throat and say, "hey baby."

"Shut up. I need you to meet me at the address I'm sending you now. If your sorry ass isn't here in ten minutes or you call the police, I'll shoot Ellie. Or Hannah or whatever your nieces name is." Matilda's voice is different. I hear someone hitting something in the background, "please... Don't... hurt him..." A weak female voice says.

I realise who's voice it is. Anger boils deep within me. How dare she take Elizabeth. That crazy bitch, "don't you dare touch her! You hear me?!"

"Time's ticking."


"Goodbye, baby" She hangs up. I only realise now that I have a really tight grip on my phone. As I pull it away from the side of my face it vibrates. There's an address as she said. I run to my car and put the address in the GPS. I turn the key to start the car and then I drive.

*Josh's P.O.V.*

Drip, drip, drip, drip. I hear the sound of water or another runny liquid beside me. I struggle to open my eyes. Wherever I am, it's hot and really dark. The air is thick and heavy and I think I'm tied to a pole or something.

"Psst, are you awake?" Oh no. Elizabeth. She's in danger. I thought I could keep her safe. No. Where is she? I can feel a cold drop slowly making its way down my face. Tears. I'm crying. Shit!

"Hey, snap out of it!" The impact shocks me. I think I've just been slapped.


"Shhh! They'll hear us."

"Sorry, but where are we?" I whisper this time.

"I have no idea but they tied you up because you were making it hard for them to carry you." Now I remember.

40 minutes earlier...

"Let us go!" I can only just hear Eliza's screams over the loud hum of whatever we were being held captive in. I can't see her. Maybe we've been blind folded.

"Shut up." There's a male in here somewhere.

"Hey! Why you gotta be so rude to the lady? She never did anything to you. Now did she?" Everything is quiet except the thing we were being transported in. Then out of no where my head is forced to turn by a hard object hitting my face. A punch. The asshole hit me and it actually kinda hurt.

"What'd I just say?"

"Well, you told my amazingly gorgeous friend over there to shut up. I don't believe it was directed at me, you said it after she said something." More silence and then another hit... To the groin. I groan in pain.

"W-why'd you h-have to go f-for my babies?"

I can hear heavy breathing now, right beside my ear, "because that's where it hurts most. now if you don't shut up I'll knock you out.

I hesitate and then say, "well, that's not very nice, is it?"

He hits me again. First my head throbs and then I start to loose consciousness.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this part. If you liked it make sure to let me know in the comments. Also, if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. 😘🍤😘

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