Chapter I

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It happened again.

This may seem strange but I wish my parents were dead. I was doing my chores as usual when I tripped over my father's briefcase, spilling the cranberry juice in my hand onto the carpet. He was so mad he sentenced me to a beating. He grasped his whip and hit it harshly on my bare back. Other children would've cried, but I didn't. I've been taught my whole life crying is for the weak and the Black family is anything but weak.

After my punishment, father told me to help Kreacher with prepping the afternoon tea. I loved helping Kreacher. He was never mean and helped me with the wounds my "wonderful" parents endured to me. He never told anyone what happened to me, well I think. But he felt like my only friend. Except Sirius. Sirius went to Hogwarts last September for his first year. He told me he would write every week and if mother or father hurt me when he was gone, he would take his broom to London and crucio them himself. But he hasn't written in nearly two months! The last letter I received is below.

Dear Reggie,

Hogwarts has been amazing! I have this really cute friend called Remus and he's so kind and smart just like you. :) When you come next year, I will introduce you to all my friends and they will become your friends too!

McGonagall gave me detention again. I was sent three howlers in two days for saying fuck *accidentally* in potions to Snivellus. Can you promise me if you're in Slytherin you'll never become friends with Snivellus/ Severus Snape. He is a total git and has a massive crush on this one girl Lily Evans who my bestie James likes. Anyways I have something to tell you. I have been thinking for a while that I may go to James' house for the holidays since you know how mum and dad are with me. They barely write and when they do it's saying I'm a disappointment to them and I shouldn't be a Black. I do really hope they're not hurting you Reggie. I really do need you. I miss you so fucking much and I need you here.

Anyways, if I keep writing James will make fun of me for it. So write immediately back if you can and I can't wait to see you again!

P.S don't let mum know that I've been growing my hair out and thinking of getting ear piercings.

Love you Reggie,

Sirius (Padfoot) Black

Since receiving that letter I've been thinking so much about what he said. "I have this really cute friend called Remus." What did he mean by cute? Like babyish cute or "hot" cute. I've always had a nudge that Sirius may be gay or bisexual but we both know mother wouldn't accept it.. Oh yeah, I'm gay. I've known for a while. Mainly because of Narcissa. Narcissa is a year older than me and we always hang around each other. People don't usually pay attention to me, which in my opinion is amazing. When Sirius went to St. Alfreda, I was always seen as the little brother of Sirius or his twin. I hated being called his twin even though we do look identical basically. We both have thick curly black hair (Sirius straightened his), grey eyes and a similar bitchy resting face. The main difference between us is I'm two inches taller than Sirius. I've always been the taller sibling and Sirius hates it. Me and my two friends, Narcissa and Pandora made bets Sirius won't be any taller than five foot four and I really do hope I'm right with my bet or I lose seven galleons!

"Regulus, viens en bas!" Hollered mother from downstairs.

"Viens maman!" I said pulling my sweater over my Beatles shirt my cousin Andromeda got me. I haven't seen Andromeda in nearly three years since she married muggle-born Ted Tonks. She was disowned by my aunt and uncle and they burned her off the family tree tapestry.

"Regulus." Mother said to me as usual in her stern tone.

"Maman." I said tripping over the ugly rug she had in the hallway.

"You've got Madame Elodie for violin lessons in ten minutes. So go ahead and put on your new clothes I had Kreacher put in your wardrobe."

"Oui, mère." I whimpered silently as she tugged a hair comb through my hair.

"God why did you inherit your fathers unmanageable hair! I've got to get Dante to come cut it." She moaned as she pulled the comb through my hair.

"No!" I yelled without thinking before my actions.

Shit. I thought to myself.

"Regulus." Mother whispered. I hate it when she whispers, it's as if you're about to die.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"In French." She said sternly.

I gulped down my tears, "je suis désolé maman."

She patted me on the back exactly where father whipped me. I winced in pain as she whispered in my ear.

"Never ever say no to me again. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." I whimpered trying to hold back tears.

She began to walk away when she turned back.

"Also Regulus." She said, "tell Sirius my hellos and that he better cut his hair or I'll crucio him like I do to you."

Before I could process the sentence I was on the floor yowling in pain as mother had a cruel, infuriating smirk on her face.

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