Chapter VI

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A conversation about pureblood incest. The Common Room. My new gay and bisexual best friends/roommates. The Astronomy Tower.

"What's the password?" Asked Bartemius Crouch Jr. the now gayest Slytherin I will ever know.

"Pureblood." Said the prefect who was ironically a halfblood.

"Most of the purebloods are products of incest." Said Evan.

"Including you bitch. Aren't your parents second cousins Black?" Daniel Da-Tiemz laughed.

I didn't say anything but it was true. Both my parents were black by birth. Mother wanted me wedded off to one of my second or third cousins but it was nearly impossible to do since one, I am gay, and two, if we did it could be illegal or incest which could; cause genetic problems with any children I could have. I do despise kids but my mother says I have to have at least one. I said sure but I was lying.

"I can't believe my parents committed incest!" Yelled Evan.

"It's not our fault Evan that our parents are pureblood-obsessed bitches." Said Barty.

"I bet Barty you'll do the same thing." I joked.

"Fuck off Black."

I ignored Barty and headed to the dorm. The dorm was as cold and dark as my own house. My trunk was already on the floor beside my bed and I opened it to see a letter. I suspiciously picked it up and opened the pure white envelope with a red wax seal. I looked at the seal and I saw "Potter" on it. I felt a rush of heat coming over me as I looked at the writing in it.


Meet me at the astronomy tower at ten pm. I have something to tell you.

P.S. Bring a sweater.


I felt a rush of energy through me again. I had no clue why James would want to meet with me. Since it was only eight, I decided to set up my room and bookshelf. My bookshelf was on the back wall and was a cool black wood. I pulled my trunk closer to the bookshelf to pull out only a sixteenth of my books. My room back home had a whole bookshelf built into the wall. It was the only thing I was thankful my parents got me. My favourite book series was Dune and my mother said it was OK to read muggle-made books as long as I didn't associate with them. My cousin Andromeda got my books signed by authors when she had the time. I was thankful she did that for me.

"Regulus you OK?" asked Evan.

"I'm fine just putting away my books."

"Why the fuck do you have so many?"

"This isn't even all of them. I have at least six hundred."

"Oh my god. Anyways, some of the six years smuggled in some vodka; do you want to get drunk as hell with us?"

"No thanks," I replied.

"You're so boring Regulus."

"I know, bye."

Evan didn't reply and he left down the hallway to drink alcohol.

By ten, everyone was either asleep or were so drunk they didn't see me leaving the common room. I was wearing a half hoodie and the only pair of jeans my mother thought I owned since she said they were not appropriate for me to wear. But I didn't give a fuck.

The stairs to the astronomy tower were so big my legs felt dead by the top. I looked around to see nobody was there. Great, I came here for nothing.

"Regulus?" I heard someone behind me say. I looked and James was behind me with a book in his hand.

"H-hi." I stumbled out of my stupid mouth.

"Hi." He replied.

"Why did you want me here?" I asked.

He blushed, "I wanted to give you this." He looked down at the book in his hand and gestured for me to take it. I nervously reached out and quickly snatched the book from his hands. Even though I went quickly, my hands brushed against his and I blushed; what I didn't notice was he did the same.

"Thanks," I said, staring down at the book. The book was leather bound and a beautiful emerald green. I opened it to see the name of the book,

"Little Women," I said.

"Sirius said you liked it and my mum publishes wizard copies of them so I thought I could get you one."

The book's front page had a moving illustration of the main characters. It had my favourite characters, Amy and Laurie, together and it illustrated the scene when they kiss for the first time.

"Thanks, I love it." I replied blushing, "But why did you have to give it to me here?"

He laughed, "I had something else I wanted to do."

James walked closer to me, we were so close I could feel his breathing. I didn't know what was happening but he pushed my hair back and hugged me. I hugged him back and quickly let go and ran down the stairs.

My mind was spinning and I felt a rush of embarrassment.

Why the fuck did I think he was going to kiss me? Why did I want him to kiss me?

It was obvious why I wanted to kiss him, I liked him. But why did I think a straight guy a year older than me wanted to kiss his best friend's younger brother?

James POV.

I felt like the stupidest person alive after Regulus ran down the stairs. I remembered how I felt when I found out Lily was a lesbian and was dating Marlene. I felt angry with myself but also sad. Why did I feel that now? I've on,y known Regulus for a while and we're not friends even though he called me "mate". But I don't think he knew who he was talking to when he said that.

I walked back down to the common room feeling stupid for wanting to kiss Regulus. I needed to tell someone. Sirius would make fun of me or get protective of Regulus, Leter knows nothing about relationships or feelings and Remus.....Remus was a good idea. I went into my dorm where Remus was sitting eating chocolate and reading as usual.

"Hey, James. So how did it go?" He asked.

I sighed, "It went so fucking bad."

He sat up and looked at me, "explain."

"Well, I gave him the book and I had the stupidest thought ever."

"What was the thought?"

I mumbled the answer.


"Fine." I sighed, "I wanted to kiss him."

Remus went silent, "you wanted to kiss Regulus?"


"Ik kan niet geloven dat je hem leuk vindt!"

"Remus, nobody understands your mumbling!"

"It's not mumbling, it's Dutch." He huffed dramatically.

"Well, what did you say?"

"I said, I can't believe you like him!"

"Well, I guess I do."

"Are you gonna tell him?"

"No! He is 100% not gay."

"Jij overcome idiot."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Anyways, I can't tell you what to do and I want more chocolate." Remus left down the stairs and I just felt like screaming.

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