Paper(Three Little Pigs and a Hornet)

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A/N: I think I'm in a fairytale phase, idk. This will probably be my last one for fairytales tbh tho, cus I had to look up what the three little pigs used to build their houses yesterday- Anyways here goes nothing


The sound of paper tearing

Is the sound it makes

When my heart breaks

Because my heart is filled with words.



Lists of names.

Those can all go on paper.

My heart isn't guarded by a steel wall

It's guarded by a wall of paper.

Maybe that's why it's so easy

To infiltrate my heart.

Say the right words

And the paper unfolds.

Down goes the walls.

This little piggy built its house from sticks

This little piggy built its house from bricks

This little piggy built its house from straw

And this little hornet built its nest on a wall

Of paper.

 "I bet 20 bucks that the hornet is gone within a year."

"You're on."

The big bad wolf's in town

And the paper's going down.

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