The Breakup

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**Disclaimer: I don't own Shrek or Bellatrix**

Shrek POV
I was home with Fiona and i was bored. We had been fighting for many weeks, and we were at the breaking point in our marriage. "SHREK!" Fiona yelled. "What is it now woman?!" I angrily shouted back. "You forgot to fix the roof again!"she stormed in the room. "It's not my fault I have other things to do!" I replied. "Like what, lounge around in your chair?" She gestured to my favorite recliner chair.
My swamp green skin was now bright red. "You know what?! I'm tired of your crap Fiona! Get out of my swamp! You are as stuck up as Lord Farquaad!" She gasped and smacked me across my beautiful ogre face. "FINE! I'LL TAKE THE KIDS AND GO!" She took the kids and her few possessions I allow her to have, and she was gone.
"FINALLY! She really got on my nerves!" I spoke to myself. I entered my room and looked deep into one of the many mirrors. "Shrek, you sexy beast. Your heavenly ogre face is glowing in the light." My counselor told me to give myself a compliment per day to help me with my anger issues. A smile spread across my face. I was free of that she demon.

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