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Dorene's POV
"Ugh! I hate this!" My sister Julia said again. "Being the Alpha's daughters suck!"

'I couldn't agree more,' Vesta, my wolf said.

"Why can't we go to the bonfire party tonight?!"

"'Cuz we're the Alpha's daughters and must be protected all the time. "' I repeated what mum told us.

"That's a lame excuse to keep us bored. I really wanted to go, " Julia said.

"I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'm always tempted to sneak out."

Hey! That's a great idea, " Julia exclaimed.

"No, it's not. Mum and dad would freak out if they found out. Besides, we don't even know the exact location where the bonfire is going to take place!"

Julia rolled her eyes. "Come on, Rene. Stop acting like a parent for once. It's just one party. We'll be back before you know it."

"Julie -"


'Have I ever told you you'd make a boring parent in the future?' Vesta said.

'What do you know?' I replied while rolling my eyes.

'A lot, actually, and that you'd be ditching something important if you don't go. '


'I don't know, I just feel it. '

I sighed. "Fine, we'll go,"

"Yay! Vesta, you're the best "

'I know, 'she said with a smirk before I blocked her after rolling my eyes.

Julie said the bonfire was at nine,so we had to be ready by eight.

She went all out in dressing us up,but in the end, we were almost unrecognisable, almost.

Soon, we were done and made our way through the window.

Excitement filled my whole body as I got ready to jump. This could be fun, I assured myself.

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