Epilogue: The World Turned Upside Down

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I opened my eyes. It was dark everywhere. As if I was floating in an empty space with everything gone. My fingertips felt strange so I looked at them. Something sticky & slippery dripped from my fingertips. I peered into where it had fallen. Nothing. Just darkness.

Where am I? What's going on? I asked myself but instead of an answer, laughter escaped my lips. The chuckling sound hovered around me like the sticky mass of liquid.

The left upper space slowly became bright. I tried turning my head but I couldn't really move my body. I didn't feel uncomfortable. It didn't hurt anywhere or feel tiring. I just couldn't move well, as if I was floating in sticky air.

The faint lights became stronger as they came at me. And in one moment, they got to my fingertips. Pain flooded over me. I felt burned or frozen. As if I had been burned by scorching ice.

There were more rays of light coming down around me. It became too bright. I curled up. I tightened my legs & arms. I struggled to step back. I tried to run away. The lights invaded me through my fingertips, arms, shoulders, ears and cheeks. I screamed. But my screams turned into liquid mass & floated around me. I tried twisting my body as hard as I could.

"It'll be more painful to live than to die. Do you still want to live?" I remembered it from somewhere.

In the next instant, my vision turned upside down. My body flipped and so did my surroundings. For a while, I couldn't see a thing. My eyes felt as if a grain of sand was in them but I saw something hazy in the distance.

Is it a light? No, it was much brighter, bigger and wispy. Floating & motionless, it looked down on me. After staring down on me for a long time, it began to take on a definite shape. It was the moon. I shifted my eyes to look around. I began to see things.

I was floating in space. There was a big hole below me — a huge, bottomless, gaping hole. I looked up again. I saw the moon at a faraway distance. I was floating sonewhere between the moon and the hole. And suddenly: I had a thought. That is not the moon. That's a big hole in the sky.

Something was about to begin. Maybe I had been waiting for that. I tried to remember starting when I had been waiting. But I couldn't remember anything.

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