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Storm stared at the dark waters lapping at the shore, expression unreadable, only her furrowed brow indicating any sort of emotion, but outside observers would still have no idea what she was truly feeling...

Ah! At last! A little dark ship appeared on the edge of the horizon. Storm's expression did not change, but once the ship moored, sinking into the sand, the corners of her lips twitched up. Through the darkness, she knew the other woman would not see her smile.

Hmm... Good. She rose to her feet, greeting the younger, smaller voyager. "Hello, Iris." Her voice was low and smooth.

"Hello, Storm!" Contrasting Storm's husky voice, Iris' was perky, and she did not hesitate to lunge at Storm, wrapping her up in a warm embrace. Anyone else would've received a very enthusiastic return-greeting from Storm's fist, but just like that, Iris completely cut through all of Storm's defenses without even trying.

And I never would've known from the look on her face... Storm's own was graced with a dry smile as she thought back on all the shared history she and the other, younger woman had. From the very beginning, they seemed like polar opposites, and they got along just as well. But life always managed to subvert expectations, and one day, Storm found herself in a position she never imagined: in Iris' arms, and hugging back. And even when Iris pulled away, Storm continued to hold the other woman's hands, staring into her glowing purple eyes. Oh, those eyes...

Iris smiled sweetly back up at her. Yep! I still got it! Storm was completely and utterly lost in her. Ah, but don't I feel the same? The more that Storm said, the less Iris knew. They hadn't been apart for long, but every reunion was sweet. Storm wished to inform Iris of all she missed on her voyage, and Iris couldn't wait to tell Storm all the stories about her aquatic adventure! But in that perfect, singular moment, both women's minds ran the same track. It was so nice having the other back home again! Oh, Storm, wherever you stray I follow, I'm begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, and now you can!

So distracted was Iris by Storm that, completely unaware of whether or not Storm was still speaking, Iris suddenly leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the other woman's lips, standing on tiptoe to do so. Storm, of course, immediately shut up, and her own mind went blank.

"Iris...?" Her voice was muffled by Iris' lips.

"Are you really so surprised?" Iris chuckled against Storm, and Storm melted all over again, reduced to the same mess Iris was.

If life is a willow, then I've bent right to your wind.


Flash forward to the next day, even as the sun shined through the window, they stole time. Head on the pillow, I can feel you sinking in...

The room was bedecked with all sorts of honors and accolades, trophies representing all the adventures the power-couple had been on in all their time together, souvenirs. But none, in Iris' opinion, were finer than the one lying right behind her, arms wrapped around her, breath brushing Iris' ear as she continued to sleep. I may be the fantasy creature, but you are the mythical thing, my trophy and my champion ring.

If there was one thing Iris appreciated about herself, it was her optimism and kindness and dedication to fairness (ok, that was three things, but still!) but when it came to Storm? There is one prize I'd cheat to win...

She couldn't help but giggle softly to herself, pressing her back into Storm, snuggling closer to her and sighing contentedly. One of their... more recent and unusual adventures involved an imposter determined to steal Iris' life, power, and status, but the one thing Iris truly could not stand to lose was her Storm. Jealousy and tempers flared, and for the first time in her life, Iris understood what it meant to be jealous of someone, even to the point of engaging them in a catfight. And looking at where she and Storm were that day, the winner was obvious.

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