New Years Day 2024

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"Seriously, Iris?" Storm quirked an eyebrow and smirked.

"Yes, c'mon! C'mon, c'mon! We only get to do this one time a year, and you know how I get about new beginnings!" Not even trying to look her in the eye as she raced back and forth around the kitchen and living room, Iris set up, prepared, and laid out all the things she wanted for her little New Year's Eve spread. It wasn't much, but it was the year she was trying jello shots. Originally, she wanted 12, one for every stroke of midnight on the New Year, but a horrified and outraged Storm quickly talked her down to four.

"One for every three seconds," she had said coldly, expression cross as she crossed her arms and glared warningly at her smaller, younger girlfriend. It was rare for Storm to be so controlling, but the way she saw it, she and Iris had been together long enough that she was more than warranted enough to call the other woman out from time to time. There was a line between being too controlling of another partner, and simply pointing out when they were being stupid. Storm had no problem calling out Iris' BS if Iris wasn't going to do it herself. "Four for 2024."

"Oooh, good idea!" Iris accepted Storm's proposition quicker and easier than Storm expected, leaving the blonde with a stunned expression as her mouth hung open silently, Iris quickly pecking her cheek as she brushed past back to the kitchen to amend the number of shot glasses she was lining up. But even though Storm successfully whittled Iris down to four drinks instead of 12, Iris was a happy and excitable person enough that it wasn't just the thought of the alcohol that made Storm heave a world-weary sigh.

She's going to be... Up all night... And I just want... To go the F to sleep... Already, Storm felt a yawn coming on, and she wondered if she had any bags or dark circles under her eyes. Anyone who knew Storm well knew that she valued sleep very, very much. And who could blame her? Not only was sleep a wonderful, enjoyable, healthy activity, especially for her, it could be hard to come by, even when all other factors and conditions were accounted for. Iris intentionally staying up until at least midnight with the TV on was perhaps the most overt barrier to her sleep that Storm had ever seen. Even if Iris kept things dark and quiet, Storm would still be aware that she was awake in the living room downstairs.

So Storm resigned herself to staying up with Iris. Oh well. At least it's only just until midnight. I'm usually already up at that time anyway.

Though she was usually lounging around rather than watching a news broadcast, no matter how fun and jolly.

"Oh, come on, Storm," Iris teased as she brushed past the other woman once more. "It's what you make of it! I'm not asking you to get into the spirit if that's not your thing, but realize that the New Year is a perfect excuse for those fresh starts, whether it's a new ambition of the year, or simply a resolution to amend, move past, or do better than something from last year!"

As Iris said before, she had a thing for new beginnings, and Storm knew that to be true. It didn't always matter what was on a clock or calendar (scratch that, it never REALLY mattered), Iris liked to find new starting and stopping points in all that she did.

Something about it is just so satisfying! Helps keep me organized. Maybe that's what makes it satisfying. It wasn't as if she had a written goal or bucket list, but there were things she wanted to try and accomplish in the coming year, some of which were the new things she was trying to talk to Storm about earlier, and some of which were things from the previous year that she was either hoping to integrate or dissociate from in 2024.

"So, at least get in the mindset and do some reflecting!" Iris passed Storm one last time, slapping a red, white, and blue, sparkly, plastic top hat on her head as she did so.

"Hey!" Storm was embarrassed and indignant as she heard Iris continuing to laugh even as she walked away


Cut to several hours later, and they were in the final countdown.

"Ten...!" the TV cried, camera zooming over to the giant glass ball atop the giant, pointy skyscraper. It was starting to descend...

"Nine...!" Iris clenched her fists, purple eyes literally glowing in excitement as she sat crossed-legged in her pajamas before the TV.

Eight... Even in her head, Storm couldn't help but smirk and count along, even though she sat on the couch with a bored, and tired expression.

As they continued down the line, despite herself, Storm couldn't help but actually reflect as Iris asked her to earlier, even though it wasn't intentional. I mean... I guess this year was fine. Had its ups. Had its downs. But then again, didn't they all? It was just more time passing, just another 365 days alive on this planet under my belt, and I'm still here and alive and in one piece and MOSTLY ok... Done a few things I'm proud of; done a few things I'm not. Really, sappy reflections were not Storm's thing. But...

I guess, in the coming year, for 2024... I just want... things to continue... Another 365 days. More time passing. More days and life experiences—big and small—tucked firmly under her belt. It seemed like an underwhelming desire, even listless, but again, it wasn't as if Storm was one for prolonged deep thought about topics like this. Besides, what's wrong with wanting things to stay the same? To continue along the path they already are? Isn't that a GOOD thing that there aren't many things I'd change?

And in the final seconds of the countdown, a light clicked on inside of Storm's head. That was what made this year memorable and worthwhile to her. It was a year in which she didn't find herself aching for a massive change. It's been... a boring year. And... I think that's a first for me. And... I think... it's a very, very good thing... A smile spread slowly across her face.

"... ONE!" Iris' brown hands were a blur as she downed four jello shots in almost one go, fireworks and cheering filling the screen in front of her, the light reflecting off her dark face. Then, once the last shot was gone, she turned around excitedly to the woman smirking at her from the couch. "I love you, Storm!" Iris shouted over the TV, hoping up and racing over, and Storm barely had time to think before Iris' lips were suddenly pressed against hers in a full-on New Years kiss.

"Happy 2024, babe," Iris teased, voice low and gruffy and husky. "Stay with me for all 24 hours of every day of 2024, won't you?"

Her glowing purple eyes were pleading, and Storm could only nod slowly, dazed, mouth hung slightly open. Iris burst into a fit of giggles, the pleading in her eyes turning back into glee, amusement, and love. Then, she also decided to answer in action rather than word, leaning in for another kiss that Storm was more than happy to finally reciprocate, wrapping her arms back around Iris as the news reporter rambled on surrounding by cold, lights, people, and the atmosphere of a tentative and hopeful 2024 New Year.

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