National Coming Out Day 2023

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"Seriously, Iris?" Storm's tone was deadpan, and her expression was bemused. She quirked an eyebrow as she stared up the ladder at the smaller, younger woman. She was currently leaning halfway off the ladder as she attempted to string a rainbow banner up above their doorway.

"Listen. It's National Coming Out Day!" There was a lilting whine in Iris' voice, but they both knew she was only pretending to be upset.

"I'm pretty sure the entire world already knows you're out," Storm smirked. Storm, herself, was out and proud, but unlike Iris, she didn't flaunt it. If people assumed she was straight, then she would not correct them. Iris, though, was a walking, talking pride flag.

"Well just in case they forgot!"

"I don't think anyone could ever possibly forget."

"Oh, come on! October is like... Pride Month 2.0!"

Storm scoffed again, but her lips twitched up in a knowing smile. Yes, she remembered Iris discussing this before. Halloween was Gay Christmas, October 11th was National Coming Out Day, and October month itself was queer history month.

"Speaking of, I still think it's really cool that June got to be the OG Pride Month!" Iris continued, finally descending the ladder. "It's the month of marriage, after all! June, Juno, Hera. It was always meant to be!"

"The flag's crooked," Storm smirked again as Iris jumped off the last couple steps of the ladder.

"I did that on purpose, Storm," Iris smirked right back, shaking her head. "It's not straight, get it?" she elbowed the taller, older woman. Storm's face went completely deadpan again, which only evoked laughter from Iris.

"I'm leaving you," Storm finally decided, and Iris laughed even harder.

"As if! You'd be lost without me!" Iris smiled smugly and looked up at Storm, making a kissy face at her.

"Attractive," Storm deadpanned, nose crinkling.

"Hey, you're the one who fell for this," Iris teased, gesturing to herself, and despite herself, Storm's expression softened marginally.

"I wouldn't say that I fell, so much as you quite literally grew on me; clingy little thing."

"Hey! I love you! And even if I didn't quite love you back then, I still didn't want to see anything bad happen to you!" Iris insisted, but she suddenly seemed unable to meet Storm's eyes, and Storm could detect a hint of embarrassment in her voice. The smirk returned to Storm's face.

And you say YOU'RE the teaser in this relationship, huh! Well, it doesn't take much for me to turn it back around on you, does it? Now, why are you blushing, why are you hiding? Look me in the eyes, if you dare.

Storm hooked a finger under Iris' chin and Iris gave a strangled squeak. Of course, by failing to look up at Storm, she hadn't seen Storm reaching out to touch her until she felt the other woman's finger right below her chin. And then she felt that finger lifting her chin up, forcing purple to meet blue. Iris' heart pounded and her stomach twisted as she forced herself to actually lock eyes with the other woman.

For a moment, the pair hung suspended in time, and everything else in the universe seemed to fade away until they were the only two beings left in all of existence. Nobody moved, nobody breathed, they only held one another's gazes, Iris waiting anxiously with anticipation while Storm contemplated her, looking her over carefully.

Well, are you going to do it? Iris asked silently. Prove to me that you really are the dominant one in this relationship and kiss me! Storm would never be able to tell Iris that she was going too far with NCOD celebrations ever again. Nothing was gayer than kissing your girlfriend right outside of your house in front of the entire neighborhood with a rainbow flag hanging over the two of you.

Then Storm leaned forward, slowly closing the gap between her and Iris' lips. "Just don't forget to bring the ladder in whenever you're done decorating," she whispered, then she released Iris' chin and stepped back, snickering as Iris went from confused and surprised to flustered and furious. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. She could only glower and sputter in indignation and embarrassment.

"You—! Why, you—?!"

"Yes, me," Storm answered calmly, nodding.

Grrr! Oh no you don't! Not today! You can't keep using loser tactics like THAT on me! Or maybe Iris was more irritated at herself for continually falling for such basic pranks. In either case, her initial thought came roaring back to her. Prove to me that you really are the dominant one in this relationship and kiss me! Right here, right now! Literally put your money where your mouth is and show me!

Then she again closed the gap between herself and Storm, grabbing the other woman's shoulders to pull her down to her level, then Iris planted a firm kiss on Storm's lips right in front of the entire neighborhood (not that anyone was actually watching). Since Iris was the one who initiated, now it was Storm's turn to be left completely and utterly dumbstruck and dumbfounded.

Iris...? It was the only coherent thought her brain could formulate, the rest a jumbled mess quickly melting from the heat in her face. I... I... I...

"Well?" Iris purred against her girlfriend's lips. "Aren't you going to kiss me back?"

Shocked back to life, Storm needed no further instruction to finally wrap her arms around Iris in return and deepen the kiss. There we go! That's what I'm talking about! See? I knew she liked NCOD just as much as me!

Iris smiled to herself, and Storm felt it. Oh, shut it, Iris! she thought, but she was in just as much of a rush as Iris to end the kiss, which of course was to say, not at all.

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