Valentine's Day 2024

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"2, 14, 24!" Iris grinned, calling the numbers over her shoulder.

"Yes, yes, yes, we get it, Valentine's Day!" Storm sighed, waving her off impatiently. Iris shot her the smuggest smile she'd ever seen. Oh no... "What did you do this time?"

Nearly bursting with excitement, Iris slid down the ladder resting against the wall of their living room. "Decorations!" Of course! What else? She'd been planning since the second it became February 1st, and the only reason she was able to wait that long was because, any time she thought about it early during January, she mentally swatted the thought back down. Now, though, it was finally go for launch!

I know Valentine's Day is cheesy, cliché, and probably REALLY overrated and overdone at this point, but... She just couldn't help it! To have someone like Storm in her life, someone worth celebrating and showering with so much love and affection, made all of the hassle and hullaballoo fun! It wasn't a chore this year! If only because I know how much she hates it! The younger woman snickered to herself mischievously.

Storm was a stoic, emotionally reserved woman at the best of times, so especially for occasions like Valentine's Day, she was even more of a stonewall. Iris was not so cruel that she humiliated her girlfriend in public, but when they were alone in the privacy of their own home?

I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to have a little fun for myself! It's only once a year, and I want to enjoy at least SOME of it! Iris bargained with herself that she would only be insufferable for part of the day. The rest they could spend Storm's way, even if that meant spending it like every other day in their life together. I enjoy every other day too, so it's a win-win for me either way! she thought smugly.

At the same time, she gestured to the living room, and although Storm had a feeling it would be over the top, she was still a little struck by what it actually was.

"How much... red and pink... is this?" Storm blinked. Somehow, every surface was covered, including the ceiling.

"As much as I could find!" Iris replied, beaming. I know it's a little much, but... that's the point!

"My... eyes...?" Storm blinked and shook her head, dazed. Iris couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Oh, come on, Storm! It can't be that bad, can it?!"

"Well, you had a chance to get accustomed to it," Storm blinked and shook her head again, getting into some of Iris' banter.

"Fair point," Iris laughed.

As time passed, Storm did indeed adjust to the overabundance of red and pink... somewhat. "Did you really have to get so many heart-shaped cushions?" she muttered, swatting at the overstuffed pillows scattered across the sofa she was trying to sit on.

"For the sake of the joke? Yeah!" Iris was still cheerful as she climbed back up the ladder, not quite done with the finishing touches. Storm sighed, but she couldn't suppress a small smile. Despite her disagreement, she couldn't deny Iris' boldfaced honesty sometimes. "By the way, where would you want to put this?" A hand hung down in front of Storm's face. It took her a second to focus on what it was holding. A medium-sized picture of Iris and Storm sitting together outside, taken from behind.

I remember this! Shock surged through her stomach, both genuine surprise and embarrassment. They'd finished a round of sword fighting at a local club, and they were both beaming. Who even took the photo?!

She might've remembered the context of the picture, but not the photographer. While her eyes were wide with memory and mortification, Iris chuckled, slowly withdrawing her hand to allow the picture to slip into Storm's.

After she finished taping the last red and pink strand of paper flowers, she slid down the ladder again, this time coming over to embrace Storm. "Happy Valentine's Day, love," she mumbled, hugging Storm from behind, resting her cheek on the woman's blonde hair. She felt Storm stiffen, lowering the picture of the end of their little duel. After a moment of silence, Storm rested a hand on Iris'.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too."

Awww... Iris' heart went soft. You're lucky, because I'd rub it in otherwise. But she didn't actually want to scare Storm off, though the thought amused her. She chuckled, purple eyes drifting shut. They reveled in the silence for a little while longer. Eventually, though...

"Ok, but anyways, I still have to plan and prep for Valentine's Day Evening Dinner!" Iris pulled away suddenly.

"Valentine's Day Evening?" Storm echoed slowly, quirking an eyebrow.

"I know what I said," Iris again smirked over her shoulder, winking sassily. I was giving YOU an easy way out! I know you aren't good with the soft, emotional stuff. Aren't you lucky I'm so generous? Iris chuckled and shook her head at herself. Of course, she would never say any of this out loud.

"So, what are you cooking?" Storm eventually rose from the couch and followed Iris into the kitchen.

"Aren't you supposed to also say "good lookin'" after that?" Iris teased as Storm came up behind her.

"Not if it's another one of your stupid references." Storm's curious tone immediately went deadpan, and Iris burst out snickering.

Ok, that was funny enough that I'll give her a pass. Again. Iris' snickers redoubled, this time about herself.

"Oh, hush!" Storm sighed, but she briefly rested her cheek in Iris' dark brown curls just as Iris had done to her moments ago.


Several minutes later, "No, seriously though, I do have to start preparing for dinner now. I wanted to try something new, so it's something I've never made before, so if I keep getting distracted, it's probably going to take me until past dinnertime to finish getting everything ready."

"Oh, Iris..." Storm sighed and shook her head, unable to keep a smirk off her face. Not for the first time did she thank the fact that she was a head taller than Iris, so Iris could only hear her seemingly weary voice. In actuality, though, Storm was having just as much fun as Iris. And I thank you for that. Love you, Iris. Happy Valentine's Day.

AN: Just wanted to write SOMETHING for my favorite original ship, LOL

If you're curious what they look like, view my AO3/Wattpad Picrew Book, or my Boggleirha Tumblr

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