In Her Arms

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Iris lay in bed, thoughts swirling with worry and doubt. The events of the day had left her feeling drained and anxious rather than satisfied or anticipatory for the following day. She couldn't help but toss and turn, and after long enough, she felt Storm shift beside her. Then a gentle hand reached out, touching her arm, making her jump slightly.

"Hey," Storm's voice was surprisingly soft, a stark contrast to her usual gruff tone. "What's bothering you?"

Iris turned to look at Storm, surprised by the concern in her eyes. "I... I just can't stop thinking about everything," Iris admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm worried about what's going to happen next." Their base was ever under the threat of attack, and although Iris typically enjoyed fighting (that was why she was a soldier, after all) the endless barrage was wearing on her nerves. Some of the novelty was finally wearing off. How much longer before she finally lost someone she really, really loved? And what if that someone was...?

Storm was quiet for a moment, then she wrapped her arms around Iris, pulling her close. "I understand," she said, her voice steady. "But you don't have to face it alone. I'm here with you, Iris. I'll always be here for you."

Iris felt a wave of emotion wash over her, and she buried her face in Storm's chest, allowing herself to be comforted by her warmth. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice choked with tears. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

She felt self-conscious. She was supposed to be the endlessly cheerful, upbeat one, wasn't she? And Storm, meanwhile, was usually the one who could barely identify any emotion outside of anger or guilt. The roles reversed, Storm showing a rare display of physical affection, wrapping her long, strong arms around Iris and pulling her in close. Iris couldn't help but gasp softly. Storm ran a hand soothingly through her curly, brown hair.

"You don't have to worry about anything tonight, Iris," she said softly. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

And in that moment, as they held each other in the darkness, Iris felt a sense of peace wash over her. She closed her eyes, letting herself be comforted by Storm's presence, knowing that no matter what tomorrow brought, she had someone by her side who cared for her deeply.

In her arms... That's where I feel the safest. And that is where I belong. Iris smiled. Storm's usually gruff demeanor softened just for her, and it made her feel truly special and that moment, Iris fully appreciated how much Storm had come to mean to her. Despite her aloofness and rough exterior, Storm had become her most unexpected, and her closest, confidante.

I promise, someday, I'll repay every single one of your kindnesses, including this one she thought, snuggling deeper in Storm's arms.


N-no... No, no, no! It can't be...! Iris' breathing was sharp, short, and shallow as she stared at the broken, bloody, bruised body at her feet. She didn't remember collapsing, but the next thing she knew, she was on her knees on the cold, hard, rough stone. Still gasping, struggling to breathe, unsure of whether she was or not, Iris gathered the poor body into her arms, holding and hugging it desperately, crying.

"S-Storm...! I'm so, so sorry...!" Oh, what happened to you?! She didn't need to ask, but as pulled away so that her tearful, purple eyes could inspect her partner's body, she saw all the gruesome wounds that littered her skin.

"S-sorry..." Storm whispered back weakly, barely even able to speak or move her lips. She could feel tears in her blue eyes too.

As Iris held Storm in her arms, her heart broke piece by piece. Storm's once strong and steady breathing was shallow and labored, eyes flickering weakly as she struggled to hold on to life.

"It's ok..." she whispered. "It's ok..."

"Don't talk like that!" Iris shook her head, barely able to get the words out. "You'll be fine! Help is on the way, and—" There's far more of it than you could ever imagine. I'm one of the Gifted! If there's anyone who can save you... It's... it's... it's me.

Storm managed a faint smile, hand reaching up to brush Iris' cheek. "Just nice... to be... with you..." she sighed.

Iris bit her lip, the pain in her chest and behind her eyes becoming more intense. "No, Storm, please don't leave me," she whimpered. "I still need you here with me...!" Maybe it was selfish to stay, but Iris was possessive. Even death wasn't supposed to be able to steal Storm away from Iris.

Storm wanted to say more, but time was running out. Her hand fell away, eyes closing as her breathing slowed even further. Iris held her tighter, shaking violently, desperate to keep her awake, to somehow reverse the inevitable. She even rubbed the other woman's hands in her own, as if that alone would restore the rapidly-draining warmth from her frail, weakened body.

In that moment, as she lay there, holding Storm's body, Iris realized how it paralleled the night when Storm held her. And Iris remembered the promise she made to Storm that night, to one day repay her every kindness, and to hold her in her arms as Storm had held Iris in hers.

No...! Another weak, pathetic sob ripped itself from Iris' throat, and all she could do was adjust Storm's cooling body in her arms and weep.

AN: Sorry, I wanted angst! It's like a step up from the nightmare prompt of last chapter. And this time, poor Iris gets to feel the sting.

The Stormris ship sails forever, though, dead or alive, together or apart! LOL!

(Maybe Storm lives, or this is a training sim and they're roleplaying, IDK, LOL)

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