Chapter 13

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Caitlyn's steps echoed in the damp corridor as she approached the cell where Vi was held captive. The dim light cast long shadows on the walls that seemed to follow her as she walked. As Caitlyn reached for the door, the clink of metal against metal reverberated in the cold air. Her voice pierced the silence as she whispered into it. "Vi? Are you there?" A quiet echo bounced off of the cold, hard walls of the cell, but the resounding silence made her nervous as the seconds passed. After what felt like forever, Vi's voice cut through the silence, sharp and incredulous.

"Caitlyn? What the hell are you doing here?" Vi hissed back, rising out of the darkness of her cell to approach Caitlyn. Her defenses prickled at the memory of what went down in front of the Council. More importantly, what she lost that day.

Caitlyn paused, her hand lingering on the lock. She met Vi's gaze, her expression unreadable. "I'm getting you out."

Hope flickered in Vi's chest, but it was quickly dampened by doubt. The skepticism dancing on her face hardened into a scowl. "Why? What's your game, Caitlyn?"

"Look, I know you may not have the best impression of me, but I'm here for Olive. She's been missing, and I talked to the bartender at The Last Drop. He last saw her with Sevika, until she passed out and Sevika dragged her off. I don't suppose you've heard anything about this?" Caitlyn replied, her tone measured.

Vi's fists clenched, the tension between them escalating. "You think I don't know? That Silco wouldn't dangle it in my face like some sort of fucked up little game? You think I haven't been torturing myself in here, day in and day out, trying to figure out how to get to her?" She stepped forward menacingly as she spoke, until Caitlyn could almost feel her breath on her face. "But now you show up out of nowhere, claiming you want to help? For what, a Piltover PR stunt? Either get me out of here so I can fix this shit, or leave."

Caitlyn's jaw tightened, and for a moment, the air crackled with unspoken conflict. "I know you don't trust me, Vi. But I need you to trust that I want to help you. To help Olive. Silco's grip on the Undercity is tightening, and we need to stand together against it." She paused, taking a suddenly shaky breath. "And...I, uh....I can't lose Olive again."

Vi scoffed and rolled her eyes, suspicion still etched on her features. "Why should I believe you? You've always been on the other side of this mess. You couldn't even try to find Olive when she spent an entire year alone in the Undercity."

Caitlyn sighed, the weight of their shared history pressing on her shoulders. "I know I haven't been the most reliable ally in the past. But circumstances have changed. We—"

Vi cut her off bitterly. "Save it. I don't need your explanations. Just get me out of here, and we'll go from there." Caitlyn was silent, caught off guard. Vi studied Caitlyn's face, searching for any hint of deceit. The cell seemed to shrink around them as the seconds ticked away. Finally, Caitlyn nodded, a begrudging acceptance in her eyes. She understood that the fragile alliance forged in the depths of the Undercity might not survive in the harsh light of the world above.

She pulled out some sort of advanced lock picking mechanism, and made quick work of the rickety cell lock. As the lock clicked open, the cell door swung open and Caitlyn stepped back cautiously as Vi quickly exited her cell. The tension lingered, a silent reminder of the delicate balance between trust and betrayal hovering around them. Caitlyn, acutely aware of the strained atmosphere, focused on the task at hand—getting Vi out of Stillwater. The dim light flickered overhead, casting erratic shadows on the walls. They were able to quickly sneak back out of Stillwater, Caitlyn following Vi's quick, athletic maneuvering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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