Chapter 2

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Yellow POV

Yellow was in Mango's attic, sitting by the window. He was using a pair of binoculars to look for any signs of The Dark Lord. The Dark Lord should be here somewhere if his suspicions were correct. What could he be planning? Was he going to kill them again? Pick them off one by one. The possibilities were endless. He saw movement by some trees, and there he was, just staring at him maliciously. Yellow was so startled that he jumped backward and fell to the floor.

"Yellow," he heard Second say, "Are you ok up there?"

"I'm fine," he said."Just tripped over something."

He felt his heart pounding as he, hesitating, made his way back to the window. The Dark Lord was right there! He had to say something! He went downstairs to see Second, Blue, Green, and Mango fixing the door.

"Sorry again for breaking the door," Green said. "I guess I don't know my own strength."

"I see," Mango said, a little annoyed, "Just please be more careful this time."

"Hey, Yellow," Blue said, looking up, "What's up?"

"We have a problem."

"Ok," Green said, "What is it?"

Yellow took a deep breath.

"The Dark Lord has been following us for a while now, and I think he's planning something."

"The Dark Lord?" Second said

"Yeah, I saw him through the attic window just now."

The group tensed up as they followed Yellow upstairs

"I don't see anything," said Blue

"Use my binoculars," said Yellow, handing them to Blue. "I'm sure he's still there."

Blue shook his head.

"Sorry, I still don't see anything."

"Are you sure you saw him?" Green asks

"Yes, I saw him! He's been stalking us this whole time! I saw him at the science contest and the car race. He was there!"

"Is that why you crash both times?" Mango asked

"I...well...yes, but you would too if you saw him."

"But we didn't."

"Are you guys saying you don't believe me?"

"We're not saying that," said Blue, "It's just that you have been kind of..."

"Paranoid," Green said

"No, I'm not!" Yellow said, shocked, "I'm just trying to keep everyone safe."

"Tell you what," Blue said, "How about  anytime we go out, we go in pairs."

Blue looked at Yellow uncertainly. Going outside with only two of them was still risky, but it was better than doing nothing.

"Ok," He said slowly, "But if anything happens, call."

"Alright, now that is settled," said Mango. "I have a few errands to run. Blue and Green, could you guys take this list to the store for me."


As Mango was about to leave, he paused and looked back at Yellow.

"Today's Tuesday, right?"

"Yeah?" Yellow said, confused, "Why?"

"Don't you have somewhere to be right now?"

"Oh no!" Yellow said, suddenly realizing, "I'm late for class!"

Yellow raced to grab his books and bag, but Mango stopped him.

"Hang on, I'll drive you. We go as a pair, remember."

"Oh yeah," he said awkwardly, "Right."

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