Chapter 4

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Amber POV

"Yellow, are you listening to me?"


"I said can you pass me the screwdriver."

"Oh right," Yellow said, getting up, "Sorry."

Mr. Denim had told them to build a water-powered machine and present it to the class by the end of this week. She and Yellow were building a water-powered car, or at least she was. Yellow had been sitting at his desk, typing away at his computer. That wasn't all, though. He has been late three times now and wasn't paying attention in class.

"So, how's everyone doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Second, Blue, Green, Red, your friends, how are they doing? Have you had any crazy adventures lately?"

"You heard about the car race last week?"

"Oh, yes! Are Second and Red ok? I've been meaning to ask you about them."

"They're fine. They just need to be more careful."

Amber stared at Yellow, taken aback by his tone.

"What's wrong? It's not their fault they crash."

"It is their fault! If Second and Green weren't so competitive all the time, they would have been fine. They can be so annoying sometimes."

"Did you guys have an argument or something because you were not this grumpy before.

"Sorry," Yellow sighed, "I just wish they listened to me more."

"About what?"

Yellow pointed to his computer.

"The Dark Lord has been stalking us since the fire incident."

Yellow was speaking quietly now as if he was afraid of being heard

"He's obviously planning something, but my friends won't take me seriously because they think I'm too paranoid!"


"You don't think I'm paranoid, do you?"

"No, no! I don't think you'"

"You are a terrible liar."

"Sorry, but you've been so stressed lately. Maybe you should take a break from this Dark Lord thing."

"I can't, Amber!" Yellow said, raising his voice a little, " The Dark Lord has done...terrible things to us before. I can't let him hurt us again! I can't-"

Yellow looked away before he finished his sentence. Amber felt her heart filled with sympathy.

"I...didn't know you guys had a history with The Dark Lord."

"Yeah, well, we do."

Yellow laid his head on the desk.

"I don't know what to do anymore."

As Amber tried to comfort Yellow, a dark red stick walked up to them.

"Hey, Yellow," said the stick, "I have a question."

"Seriously, Chilli," said Amber, irritated, "Can't you see this is a bad time."

Chilli was one of their classmates at the University. But he was super annoying and always pointed out their mistakes.

"Relax, Amber, I just wanted to ask your partner where I could find Redstone."

Yellow got up from his desk.

"How do you know what Redstone is?"

"I watched one of your YouTube videos."

"YouTube! Since when did you find out we have a YouTube channel?"

"Since your little friend told me all about it. What was his name? Oh yeah, Red."

"Red told you?"

"Yep! He's been telling everyone in Stickville. I think he even had a sign."

Amber watched Yellow's face going from confusion to anger in a matter of seconds.

"I got to go, " He said as he gathered his stuff.

"Wait, Yellow," she said, "You drop your flash drive."

Yellow mumbled a thank you before running out of the halls.

S1 E6: Youtube StarsWhere stories live. Discover now