Chapter 3

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Blue POV

Blue was lost in thought as he walked to the store with Green. What was going on with everyone? First, Green is mad at Second for some reason, and now Yellow is back to freaking out about The Dark Lord. At least Red isn't struggling with anything or done anything stupid.

If I am being honest with myself,  it feels like we're drifting apart somehow. It is almost as if this new world is taking a toll on our friendship. We got mad and fought back at home, but not like this. This is different.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Blue asked

"You're breathing weird again."

I am?

He noticed that he had been wheezing the entire time.


"Don't be," Green said, "Although you have been doing this a lot lately. Are you ok?"

Should I tell him?

Breathing lately has been getting more challenging, especially when his friends argue. But they were dealing with so much already - The Dark Lord, Second's powers, personal issues - he didn't want to add to that.

"I'm fine. I just need to get out more."

As they made it to the store, a couple of sticklings stopped them

"Look," said one of them, "It's Blue and Green!"

"Can you sign my cereal box?"

"Uh, I don't have a pen on me," said Green

"How do you know our names anyway?" Blue asked

"We know all your names! We watched all your videos on YouTube. "

"YouTube!" They both say, surprised

"Yeah! You guys would go on all types of crazy adventures in your computer!"

"Can Yellow zapped us in a computer?"

"No, his staff is broken right now."


"But I promise he will once he's done fixing it."

"Yayyy!" The sticklings shouted as they waved their goodbyes

"That was weird," he said

"Yea, I guess I never expected sticks to watch our YouTube channel," Green said, "Also, promise?"

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have promised. Let's just go into the store and hope we don't run into them again."

They walked into the store and started to shop.

"Is it weird that the sticks are staring at us," Green said

Blue noticed that some of the sticks were staring at them while some of them were watching YouTube on their phones.

"I didn't realize how popular we were," Blue said

"You don't understand," said one stick, "Green is the best because he can build all kinds of stuff."

"No, Yellow is the best because he is the smartest. Green is just an old punching bag."

"True," said the stick, "Plus, we know who is the best at fighting - Second."

"Ok, that is not true!" Green said, offended

"Shhh, keep it down. We don't want to attract any more attention."

They tried to go to the checkout but were stopped by an older stick.

"You sticks are a bad influence on sticklings," the stick said, waving his cane at them, "They had been trying to copy your YouTube stuff all day!"

"We're sorry - ow!"

The stick hit him on the head with the cane, and he did the same with Green.

"That was a warning!"

They quickly made their way out of the store and hid behind a dumpster.

"What is going on? It's like we're celebrities all of a sudden."

Green pulled out his phone and started to read the comments

" 'Green's so weak that my three-year-old son could beat him in a fight!' Seriously!!"

"Don't let the comments get you. Sticks just want attention."

"You know there's some here about you, right."

"They're probably not that bad."

Green gave him a dubious stare and started to read the comments aloud.

" 'Why is Blue so obsessed with netherwarts?' 'Blue x netherwarts' 'I'm surprised nobody mentioned Blue's addictive-"

"Ok, Ok, stop reading!" Blue shouted, "One of us must have told them about the YouTube channel today.

"Who could it be?"

They both thought for a moment.


"Come on, we have to go back to the house."

S1 E6: Youtube StarsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin