Chapter 5

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Red was sitting down at Mango's computer, scrolling through their channel. It was going great so far. Their videos had millions of views, and they were popular now. He couldn't wait to tell the gang.

"Hey, Red," said Second, "What are you doing?"

"Check it out," he said, "I've told everyone that we have all our adventures uploaded on YouTube. Now, everyone in Stickville knows who we are. We're famous!"

"Are you sure we're famous for the right reasons," Second said, "We did some dumb stuff back in the day."

"But we also save all of Minecraft! We're heroes! The sticks will see that now and can't make fun of us. What could go wrong?"

The door burst open and fell to the ground as Yellow, Green, and Blue ran inside.

"Guys! We just fix that!"

They ignored Second, and instead, Yellow stated coldly at Red.

"Red. What. Did. You. Do?"

"I-I told everyone about our adventures," he stammered nervously.

This wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all.

"Why would you tell them we're on YouTube, though," said Blue, "Me and Green can't go to the store without some sticklings pestering us with questions or getting whacked by an old stick."

"Sorry, I was just trying to help."

Yellow was face-to-face with Red.

"Help!?" He said, outraged, "You told everyone about our lives on YouTube and didn't even think about how it would affect us! Not only did you make things worse for us,  but now we're a bigger target!"


"The Dark Lord, you idiot! He is probably studying everything he knows about us and is planning an attack!"

Red took a step back from Yellow and accidentally pressed some buttons on the keyboard, and a video started playing.

"Is that us?" Green said, his voice suddenly small

Red looked at the computer to see them fighting The Dark Lord for the first time.

"I've actually never seen this video before," Second said

They all watched in horror as The Dark Lord stabbed them one by one, vaporizing them instantly. Then Second suddenly started to glow and fly up in the air. He charged at The Dark Lord and beat him up until he disappeared completely.

No one said anything for a minute, and then Red spoke softly.

"I don't understand. The way Second destroyed him. The Dark Lord should be dead."

"We should be dead too," said Yellow grimly, "But Second's powers somehow brought us back."

Yellow grabs his bag and pulls out his flash drive.

"Move over, Red, I'm deleting the video."

"Deleting?" Blue asked

"The fact that this video is all over the internet right now gives The Dark Lord more information."

Yellow put the flash drive in the computer and started deleting the video.

"Finish," he said, "Wait, something is wrong."

The computer glitched out for a moment, and then The Dark Lord appeared on the screen.

"Well, well, well, it's been a while."

"What do you want," Second said

"Nothing much," said The Dark Lord, "I only want to kill you."

"Not happening," said Green

"Oh, confident now, aren't we? Let's see how you handle my killer drones. Considered this a test run."

"Wait, drones!"

A bunch of drones entered the house.

"Have fun," said The Dark Lord, signing off

"Take cover!"  shouted Second

They hid behind the couch as the drones started shooting lasers.

"What do we do," yelled Blue

Red saw Green grab a broom and smack a drone to the ground

"We take them out."

Red took off Ruben's leash and lassoed one of the drones. Unfortunately, the drone flew off with Red.

"Guys, help!"

"Hang on," Blue said as he used a slingshot to free Red

"Keep going!" said Yellow, "Just a few more."

"Yellow, watch out!" Second said

Red saw Second dived in front of Yellow as a shield formed in front of them. A drone picked up Yellow's flash drive and flew away.

"No! It stole my flash drive! What are we supposed to do now."

Before anyone could answer, Mango and Purple suddenly arrived.

"What in the world happens here!"

S1 E6: Youtube StarsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ