Chapter 6

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Yellow POV

The house was a mess. Furniture was knocked over, glasses were broken, and burnt spots were everywhere.

"We can explain," said Blue, "The Dark Lord sent drones after us, and we destroyed them."

"We're sorry," said Red, "We cleaned the house."

"Sorry?!" Yellow exclaimed. "That's all you have the say for yourself! Sorry!"

Red stared at Yellow guiltily.

"What else am I supposed to say?"

"I don't know, Red! You somehow thought it was a good idea to tell strangers about our lives while also giving The Dark Lord an advantage against us! Have you ever thought of how stupid that idea was?"

"Calm down, Yellow," said Green, "We stop the drones."

"The Dark Lord has more than a couple of drones with him!" said Yellow "And you can't tell me to calm down after last week! You literally had a temper tantrum after losing to Second in a stupid game! Blue literally had to come and find you because you were being a sore loser!"

"Ok, one, you weren't there when I went to go talk to Green," Blue said, his tone serious, "Second, do you realize how harsh you're being."

"Really Blue? I'm being too harsh? Grow up and pick a side," Yellow said, "We wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for Second."

"That's something we can agree on," said Green

"You guys are ganging up on me," said Second, "I'm sorry, Yellow, that my powers decided to shield you in that moment. I'll make sure the lasers hit you next time."

"Maybe that will keep you quiet for a while," said Red

"Shut up, Red! No one asks for your opinion."

"No one asks to be stuck in a world where no one likes you!"

"EVERYONE, STOP!" Mango said angrily, "I know this Dark Lord situation is stressful, but can't you see how miserable you are making me and Purple's lives now?  We feed you, give you a place to stay, take you around Stickville, and what do we get in return? A broken home. Now, either you help me clean up this mess or pack up your stuff and leave."

The game looked at each other and then silently started to clean everything up. Yellow quietly grabbed his jacket and sneaked outside after they finished; he didn't want to see anyone right now. How have things gone out of control so quickly? He didn't even mean to say all those things; it just came out. As he was walking down the road, he saw a limousine.

Wait, is that Amber and Sage?

He walked closer to see Sage replacing a tire on the limousine.

"Are you guys ok," said Yellow

"We're fine," said Sage, "Just ran over a pothole."

"Hey, Amber."

"Hey, Yellow," said Amber, "How are you?"

"Not good," he said, shrugging his shoulders

"How come?"

Yellow told her everything that happened.

"That explains the shouting me and Sage heard while driving through here."

"Were we really that loud?" Yellow asks shamefully

"Sort of. This neighborhood is usually pretty peaceful."

Yellow looked down at the ground.

"Sorry, we're causing trouble in Stickville."

"You're not causing trouble. You guys are just adjusting and are going through a rough patch right now. You should go apologize and talk things over."

"I'm not sure anyone wants to talk to each other right now."

"Is that why you're out here alone?"

Yellow shook his head. He saw Amber thought for a moment, then she opened the car door.

"Hop in."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

They drove to the university and entered the building

"Ever since we got to the University, I've been exploring the rooms. This is my favorite room.

"Uh, isn't this just the balcony?"

"I mean, yeah, but it still counts," Amber said, looking at the sky, "I like to look at the stars."

"There's so many. The last time I went to look up at the stars was when me and the guys were in Minecraft. We were just hanging out."

Yellow let out a somber sigh while Amber looked at him.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you guys will make up soon."

I hope so. I don't know how much tension we can take.

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