Chapter 1

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Held me like you'd hold me forever
Didn't think that heartbreak would feel like this

From everything to nothing at all,
From everyday to never at all
And every one said I should be sad
Is it normal that I don't feel sorry for myself

Boss Chaikamon looked up from his phone, feeling the strange calmness that engulfed him when he was sitting down in the fire truck. He threw his glances out the window, and watched the trees as the huge vehicle passed by and it's nearing dawn. He held his helmet in his lap, hearing the faint song that waved through the air during the journey to the place where someone had called.

'There had been a fire!' the anxious caller shrieked through the emergency line. His colleague picked up the phone while Boss slurped on his instant noodle. He didn't think he's hungry but he needed to eat before he got called again anytime sooner.
There was some more explanation as his colleague took the call and jotted down on their eletronic devices before he pushed the siren.
Boss licked his lower lip and pulled on his gear as the driver started the fire truck engine. The instant noodle left unfinished on the table.

'It was a suicidal attempt?'

"What is it actually?" Boss asked when they were inside the vehicle, as he felt quite irritated when reminded of the unattended instant noodle.
"We won't know what until we arrive," his boss said, and with that they kept silent until the fire truck stopped.

In view of Boss was the most fitting person to talk to the person who was standing at the edge of the apartment, wearing only his pyjamas and looked dishevelled, he was chosen to be the key person in this mission.
Apparently there was a man standing at the edge of his apartment and no one knew what happened to him that he decided to crawl out via the window. He was at the height of the ninth floor and it would be fatal if he falls. Thus, the rumours that he's suicidal when people noticed he was standing on the edge.

Boss got out of the truck and looked up. The man who was the subject of the commotion that happened on the ground right then was holding on to dear life. He clearly looked afraid, and as white as snow.

He turned to listen to his superior's direction before he climbed onto the platform on the crane that would bring him to the same height. Another colleague would climb up the stairs and enter the house that the man supposedly stayed or lived.

This is a luxurious apartment, Boss whispered to himself. It's rare to have incidents here, they usually kept it hushed under the rug.
Boss put on his helmet and prayed for the best. He's quite scared of height before but practices over practices kept his phobia checked.

Care if you touched someone else
Wouldn't get jealous if you're happy
It's okay if you forget me

Boss felt the need to pick on his ear when he kept hearing the song playing in his head. He heard it before when he was eating his noodle, and then another time when he's on the way to the scene. Someone kept playing the song in his team but he couldn't figure out who and why? Someone must be very hurtful now that the breaking up didn't cause an effect on him because he had had enough. It reminded me of his own tragedy which he kept folded neatly, away from people.

He took a deep breath as the crane lifted the platform that he was standing on gradually. It was nearing dawn when he saw the orange light and squinted. The clouds above scattered – and it reminded him of that day. He brushed it off again as the sound of the machine whirring became obvious as he was nearing the ninth floor. He looked down on his glove worn on perfectly.

"There was a fire," he heard his colleague who entered from inside the building through the earpiece he was wearing. "I think it was not as severe as it seemed,"

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