Chapter 4

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"It's out, the result," Net whispered when they were at a climbing practice that day. Boss frowned. "The results of your beloved luxurious apartment's resident," Boss rolled his eyes, but keen to know more.

"What is it?"

"Somebody planted it, but no one knew yet who. The labs already sent the results to the police,"

"What change can it make?"

"I don't know." Net pulled the harness' rope around his waist. "But I think if you really care about that guy, you need to tell him,"


"Sometimes, things like this would need more investigation especially by the police, so it would be wise to inform him beforehand,"

"Didn't our supervisor would tell him?"

"Yeah, he will." Net sneered, and their eyes met. "But wouldn't you want him to know about him personally?"


"I don't know. You tell me," with that, he repelled himself down. Boss sighed, not in a million years would he come near Noeul again.

He watched Noeul's social media again.

He wiped all the pictures, there's nothing left, or maybe he just archived everything.

But Boss was worried, nevertheless. He hated these feelings lingered inside his heart, feelings that he couldn't brush away. He couldn't contact Noeul ad hoc because there weren't any numbers to reach out, no new address to go. The worst thing was he quite regretted how he treated Noeul the last time he came to the fire station.

"Why do you want to know his address?" his superior asked, when Boss casually inquire if he could get Noeul's current address. "You're not going to stalk him, do you?"

"No, boss, I...uh..." Boss didn't have any excuse. It was just creepy to get the address of someone famous, especially when they still didn't know that they used to be together. "It's just that after I knew that there was something planted on his house that broke into the fire..."

"It's okay, Boss. It's not your job to inform him. I don't want to discourage you from feeling inadequate but it's my responsibility to do it." His superior said with a touch of authority. Boss nodded, he knew what his superior's intention.

"I'm sorry, it's just I'm worried about him."

"It's good that you're worried about your civilian, but we can't help everyone in the world,"

"He told me that his life is useless, he's a failure and...maybe he disappointed everyone in his life. So, I would worry if he knew somebody planted the device in the kitchen would lead him thinking that people do want him dead." His superior watched him, contemplating.

"You got a point,"

"I just wanted to help him know that he should get some help,"

"Yup, noted. I'll tell him." His superior put a hand on Boss' shoulder and smiled. "It's good that you care, Boss. But sometimes you need to know where to put the boundary between the civilian that you helped and your own feelings. We're in this field, we couldn't afford to spare more feelings than we supposed to, or else we'll be too exhausted for other person that we need to help,"

"Right," Boss nodded obediently. "Thank you, sir,"

On the way back home, Boss tried his luck to stop at the apartment. He was fortunate that the apartment was already opened to the residents that resided there. He looked up at Noeul's floor, and noted the work in progress happened there. Boss squinted, just to get a better look. How could someone lives in a place, so huge like that alone? Or did Noeul live with someone else?

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