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POV: Five Hargreeves


I walked down the silent long hallway. It was rather dark, and no sunlight was being let in through the windows.No sunlight was available, it was a rather gloomy day.

I turned the doorknob and walked into the room,where she lay in a cryogenic contraption.My best friend,who was also my greatest rival,lay in a deep sleep, with closed eyes and slow, steady breaths.

"Hey there," I said as I leaned closer to the chamber.

"I heard you waited for me, you didn't give up did you?"I knew her. She doesn't just give up.

"Well, I'm here now, you can finally wake up," I said sarcastically knowing what she would've told me at that moment.

"Not everything's about you, you asshole. I live for myself, thank you very much"

"I really want to have you by my side right now. You know, tell you about what I saw when I was gone.'Cos you're crazy enough to believe me, and to be honest... you were the only sibling I truly ever trusted. You still are, actually."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there during the accident. It must have been so hard for you after the accident."

"I'm also sorry I didn't come to see you immediately after I arrived, you know how the others are and their stupid questions." I snicked with a grin plastered on my saddened face.

Seeing her like this was so hard.

"I guess I'll see you later .... Charmaine, please fight, if not for you, please do it for me."

I gazed at her one last time and then turned to the door.

As I walked out, I heard beeping, loud and violent beeping coming from her room.

"H-Hey g-guys!"I called out frantically.


Her breathing was becoming shaky, I could feel it.

"Oh, my God! Charmaine, you're okay!"
I could hear distorted voices in my ears. What was going on?

The Cryogenic Chamber then opened on its own. We all stepped back, amazed and scared by what had just happened.

She began gasping for air desperately as if she couldn't breathe anymore. What the fuck was happening? Was she waking up or getting worse?

Allison ran to her, going to comfort her. I assume her motherly instincts kicked in because she consumed Charmaine into her arms as she rubbed her hand on her back, stabilizing her breathing. That's when she opened her eyes.

She started sobbing in Allison's arms as she breathed heavily. "Wh-what's going on?" she let out, her voice shaking nervously.

"You're okay now, Charmaine, you're okay.  We're here now." 

I could hear Allison assure her. She looked around the room, her eyes landing on each of us.

"B-Ben.Wh-where's Ben?"She asked, now with ease in her voice.

"He didn't—"

Endgame~ Five Hargreeves x Female ocWhere stories live. Discover now