chapter 02

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Haha I not giving up
I will fight till I take you down with me

His eyes flash red, and a wicked smile appears. His cold voice speaks
I'm glad you have such a strong will. Just like a mosquito that I can't help but play with it.
I'll play with you a little more before I kill you. How about that?

As if I am mosquito,I am the cursed queen.Do you think I named myself.Your really Baka.I am immortal...

He laughs, his voice full of arrogance

I think I'm going to enjoy killing you more. You're a cursed queen? What a cocky woman.
His cold voice continues
I'll make sure you regret that arrogance of yours before killing you. What is a queen without subjects? Nothing but a lowly being that can be killed and eaten.

You better ready to bow down to me.
King without a throne and a queen with nothing but a crown share the emptiness of a realm devoid of purpose.

Bow down to you?
You still have some guts left, woman. The King and Queen are two different levels of existence. The King, who is always on top, cannot bow down to the Queen, who is lower than him.
Still laughing
As if I would bow down just because you claimed that you're the queen.

Poor you

Still laughs
What's so funny? Even if you're a queen, it doesn't mean you're on the same level as me, the King. Even if you claim that you're a queen, you're just a worthless woman that no one knows about.

My child, you don't know enough.The useless King is you.Who is simply stupid.

His voice is cold and arrogant
That's not even a decent argument. As the King, everyone knows about me and worships me for my strength. Even the other kings fear my presence.
His voice then turns cruel and arrogant
While you're only the queen of a small village that no one knows. Why don't you just ask Uraume to cook yourself for lunch?

Who said I am from small village.
I am the cursed queen.laughs
Those kings don't have power and are cowards.
Not me
Aww my child are you hungry fighting me
You can go and eat. Laughs

His eyes flash red, and his voice is cold and arrogant.
You have a high opinion of yourself for a woman. You dare to think you are equal to me. Do you know how many people fear me? How many people would bow down before me with their heads? You are nothing but food or a toy for me.
To be continued
Thank you for reading ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ
Have a good day or night!!

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