Breaking Point

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Author's Notes:
Ok. So, I really don't feel like writing the entire part of the first episode like I said I would. Instead, I'll be starting at the point just after the Sludge Villian.


Izuku woke up to the annoying feeling of being slapped in the face. It wasn't painful, it was just strong enough to be felt. It made him groan as he opened his eyes to look at whoever was smacking him. The moment he laid his eyes upon them however, he was immediately conscious.

"All Might!?!" Izuku shouted in confusion and shock. Apparently, he has already forgotten why he was even in this situation in the first place. Rather unfortunate, but ultimately unimportant.

"Hahaha!" All Might laughed boisterously at Izuku's confirmation at not being dead. "It's all in a day's work young one."

However, Izuku already fallen to the level of his inner thoughts by the time All Might said this. Miraculously, he broke himself out of his muttering with one thought, "I need to get All Might's autograph!"

"Oh, and while you were unconscious, I felt obligated to sign that notebook for you." All Might called, getting further away from Izuku. Izuku was unaware of this though and quickly looked through the notebook for the signature.

There, on the last page, he found it. It was written across 2 pages in his notebook. It was even written in it upside down and backwards, but Izuku couldn't bring himself to care about that. He was feeling euphoria for having gained All Might's signature.

Without even looking up, he put the notebook to his side and quickly bowed multiple times. "Thank you! This will be a treasured family heirloom for generations to come!" All Might was unphased by such an announcement, probably having had many other  people doing things much stranger with his things.

"Well, I must be going citizen! After all, a hero's job is never done!" All Might pronounced loudly as Izuku opened his notebook once more to reconfirm All Might's signature. "Wait! I have so many questions I still need to ask you!" Izuku yelled to All Might, who was already out of the underpass, preparing to leap far away.

"If you have a question, just post it though my website! Now, I really must go." Izuku, feeling that he had no other option, mustered enough strength to dash to All Might. Holding on as tightly as he could, All Might then disappeared into the sky.

Izuku started screaming as he was flung through the air on All Might's leg. All Might, noticing something felt off, looked down to see Izuku on his leg. In a panic, since his time was almost up, shook his leg violently to try and shake the boy off while saying, "Kid, I love my fans by this is too much!"

Izuku, not wanting to die, voiced his thoughts. "If I let go, I would die." Somehow, All Might heard this and gave himself a moment to think about it. Quickly, he realized the Izuku was indeed right. "Ok. Let me find a place to land." He said as he quickly glanced over every rooftop he passed. He might not be able to fly, but he could adjust his direction and speed with his strength.

After a few  seconds, he punched the sky and stopped over a random 20-story apartment-complex. When Izuku touched-down, his body shook so much from adrenaline that he was physically incapable of standing. Kneeling on the floor, panting, All Might turned back around to leave once more.

"Now young man, I really need to get going." He tried to convince Izuku to let him leave. Steam had started wafting off of him, as he was overextending his stay as the symbol of peace. He just needed to hope that this kid would let him leave. He wasn't sure if he could handel another fiasco with this kid.

As he looked away, preparing to make a quick escape. "Wait! Just answer one question (please)?" Izuku asked. He sounded so desperate to All Might. So, despite his reluctance, he decided he had enough time for one question. "Ok, but make it quick." 

Immediately, Izuku started talking, completely forgetting to summarize anything and everything. "I've admired you all of my life. Since before I was four, I admired you. For your strength, for your courage, for your... well, everything! All my life, people have tried to put me down. So wh-what I really want t-to ask you is... C-can I b-be a hero!?"

The long Izuku talked, the more nervous he got. Apparently he had closed his eyes at one point in his rant, because when had opened them again, All Might was gone. In his place was a mist cloud a very skinny man with similar features to All Might. Izuku immediately panicked. "All Might? Who are you! Your not All Might!"

Too many question blurred out of his mouth. The blonde man that slightly resembled All Might lifted his hand up in a stop motion. It succeeded in stopping Izuku's barrage, but only temporarily. He was about to go to speak, until he spit out blood instead. This terrified Izuku more, only making him ask more questions about his health.

"Young man. I assure you that I am fine." The blonde said. Izuku then asked, "Why were you pretending to be All Might?" The blonde spit out more blood at the accusation, before realizing that the body didn't know. So, this blonde decided to explain it to him.

"I am All Might." He said as he lifted up his shirt to reveal a spiderweb scar near his abdomen. Izuku gasped at the sight. "Five years ago, I fought a villian who did this too me." Izuku then muttered, "Toxic Chainsaw."

The blonde smiled that someone really knew their stuff about him as he let go of the shirt. "You really know your stuff. However, he was nowhere near strong enough to do this to me. This fight is top secret, and was never released to the media."

At this, Izuku started to mutter again, but the blonde broke him out of it by saying, "Now, as for your question..." He paused for a moment, thinking of a way to set the boy down as gently as he could. There was no way to do that other than to give him other options.

"No. I don't believe someone quirkless can be a hero..." He had no need to say anything else, as Izuku had shut down. Kneeling on the floor, with tears in his eyes. He reconsidered his entire life. He looked back on everything, to see if there was something, Anything he could find that might have the ability to refute All Might. He could find none.

Eventually, the blonde stopped his explaination. The entire time, he felt his heart withering away. It was like the words he was saying were also affecting himself too, but why would that be? He went to the stairs. As he grabbed the handle, he turned back around to give Izuku one last glance. He ended saying, "When your ready to leave, just head down these stairs. I'm sure that the people that work here would be willing to help you if you just ask."

After that, the blond man walked away, leaving a broken Izuku Midoriya on that rooftop. In the stairway with the blonde, he checked his pockets for the bottle. He could not find it. Looking down, he saw that there was, indeed, nothing in his pockets. With this knowledge, he started rushing down the stairs, cursing himself for letting all of this happen.

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