Ch 1: Leaving Pandora

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Pandora, Wasteland.

The group soon arrived at what looked like a abandoned base with what looked like a pile of mangled bodies by the entrance which the group drove past.

Moxxi: "We're here!" She said with a grinned as she stepped out of the gunners seat.

Jack: "And I thought what you did to those psychos as we drove was brutal" Jack said surveying the carnage. Moxxi may have started shooting at a bunch of psychos. Laughing like a lunatic as she aimed for their crotches.

Tina: "Is that a bunch of psychos impaled on tree branches? Cool!" She yelled as she jumped out of Y/N's lap and ran over to say psycho bodies. which were indeed impaled on some tree branches

Moxxi: "indeed" she said with a nod as she looked at the bodies.

Jack: "Your buddies watching us?" She asked as she pointed out a camera hanging over the closed gate.

Moxxi: "Yeah. Hey Rocket open the fucking door!" She yelled at the camera.

Rocket: "Is that you Moxxi? I told you I will pay you for that stool once we get that bounty!" A male voice yelled over an intercom.

???: "I am Groot" another voice said over the intercom.

Rocket: "I know I owe her for the destroyed wall too!" He yelled out angry.

Moxxi: "I have a business proposition for you two that will clear your debt with me and get us all off planet" Moxxi said "Are you interested?" She asked with a grin at the camera

There was silence until the base door opened up for them automatically.

"Alright get your sexy asses in there and we can get started on this meeting" Moxxi said with grinned at her three cohorts.

Y/N nodded at this as he and the others followed Moxxi inside, the doors closing behind them. They soon arrived in a big room where the walls were covered in all kinds of weapons

Tina: "Hello! It must be my birthday!" She yelled as she ran to a big rocket launcher hanging on the wall

???: "Hey! Hey! Don't touch that! I stole- I mean bought that fair and square!" A male voice yelled from a nearby chair

Everyone looked at where the voice came from and saw what looked like a racoon sitting in front of a wall of security screens.

Next to the raccoon was what looked like a tall tree man who was looking at Y/N's group curiously.

Jack: "A raccoon and a tree man...please tell me this is a joke" she said to Moxxi with a annoyed look on her face.

Moxxi: "nope meet Rocket and Groot" she said as she pointed at the racoon and tree man.

Tina: "Ah! It's so cute and fluffy!" She yelled before she tackled the raccoon into a hug. Nuzzling her face against the Raccoon's face.

Rocket: "Hey! Let me go! I do not consent to this!" The raccoon named Rocket yelled.

Groot: "I am groot" The tree man named Groot said with a smile at this.

Rocket: "This is not better than being attacked for being different!" Rocket yelled out trying to get out of Tina's iron grip.

Tina: "Who picks on you?! I'll vaporize their intestines!" Tina yelled out as she pulled out her pistol

"no wait I'll strangle them with their intestines! No wait, I'll skip rope with their intestines!" Tina exclaimed crazily.

Y/N: "Tina drop him he's obviously not used to being hugged" he said as he approached

Tina: "Okie dokie handsome!" She said before she dropped Rocket who landed on his _ss groaning.

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