Ch 6: Crazy Adventure

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Citadel space.

Aboard the citadel, the main station of the alliance, many people were chatting with idle gossip throughout the large space station. People of many different races, humans, Asari, Turians, Salarians, Volus, Elcor, Hanar. All were talking about one subject in particular. The Cosmic Khaos.

A new bounty hunting group that had come from nowhere and had already started to make a name throughout the galaxy. .

News had started to spread after the battle aboard the mars Casino but more news traveled after the reveal from the asari councilor Tevos that a dangerous criminal amongst the asari had been apprehended and turned over to Thessia by this group.

Ripper. One of the alliance's most wanted criminals that many military leaders would've loved to have captured to gain notoriety and even a possible promotion. Along with that was the Capture and Imprisonment of the salarian criminal Quardak.

???: "You hear that some new bounty hunting group captured Ripper and Quardak Commander?" A man in a pilot seat aboard a stealth ship asked, turning to a woman with short red hair wearing a black and red armor set with a gray N7 logo adorned over the left breast. she had DD cup breasts, a toned fit body, and a big round ass

Jane: "I did. It's all anyone is talking about aboard the citadel" the woman, Commander Jane Shephard, responded simply

???: "What? Upset you didn't get a crack at the bastards first?" The pilot asked with a smirk

Jane: "All I care about is that Ripper and Quardak were brought in though I wonder what this group of bounty hunters is like" shr said as she thought to herself

???: "If they brought in Ripper and Quardak then they gotta be tough. Or maybe just insane. You'd probably get along with them actually commander" the pilot said with a snickered.

Jane: "I'm sure they are a well equipped team with a capable leader Joker" she said as she couldn't imagine anything less unaware of what happening to the bounty hunter group.

At Onyx Asphodel.

Currently everything is peaceful when suddenly the PA system turn on.

Sienna: "Code Orange! Claptrap is on the loose!" She said which cause almost the entire crew to panic.

Jack: "Hide the mother f_cking booze!" She said as both herself and Moxxi hide every booze.

Groot: "I am Groot!" Groot yelled terrified as he ran down a hallway.

"Tina: I have a grenade launcher! Fear me!" Tina said cackled skipping down a hallway

Meanwhile Brok is laughing at the chaos as he took a sip of bear.

Brok: "I love chaos in the f_cking morning" he said laughing like a drunken sailor.

An: also to everyone who don't know he in a secure room like Marcus was in Borderlands 3.

Samara walked out of her room and looked at the chaos happening around her before she spotted PeeBee running towards her.

Samara: "Are we under attack?" She questioned.

Peebee: "Kinda, Claptrap is practicing with his explosives and weapons outside the practice range again and we have to catch him" she said as she tried to summarize the situation for the newest member of the team

Tina: "Come on out Clappy!" She yelled before an explosion sounded down the hallway

Samara: "...this is the bounty hunting team that captured a notorious criminal?" She questioned.

Claptrap::"No take backs blue nark lady! Gahahahahahaha!" He yelled as he ran past her and PeeBee while holding Tina's grenade launcher.

Tina: "Give me back my grenade launcher you rust bucket!" She yelled chasing after Claptrap with a shotgun

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