Chapter 11

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Dean and I are still sitting on the side of the road and have been for a half an hour. We haven't said anything to each other. We have just sat here in silence.

"Dean I'm sorry." I say and it catches Dean off guard.

"For what?" He asks and I look at him like he is from Mars.

"For bringing that up. I didn't know." I say my voice getting quieter as I finish.

"Hey it's not a big deal, it's not your fault that Sean did that. What do you say we head to the road house and stay there tonight. Besides that conversation that Bobby interrupted is so not over yet." He says and I smile. Dean is back and that makes me feel better.

"Fire away Winchester!" I say and he smiles.

"What did that demon mean? That you liked a Winchester?" He asks and my smile slightly fades. Did not want to tell him right after he tells me that my father had tortured him in the past, but he needs some good news.

"She meant that I was attracted to one of the Winchester brothers." I say and he pulls back out onto the road.

"Which one?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Hey I shared already, it's your turn unless you don't remember the agreement from the motel." I say and he smirks just a slight bit.

"I remembered I just hoped you didn't." He says.

"What did you mean that you are dead in two months?" I ask and I see all signs of a smile leave his face immediately.

"Sam died a year ago in two months. We had just ganked a cross roads demon but not before it ganked him. So to get him back I summoned a different demon, never deal with someone you just killed it's never a fair deal, and I got to live for a year and Sam is back. Now, which one?" He says and I just sit there my mouth becoming a clear trap for flies.

"I already told you, the short one. Now why only one year? I had heard that the normal is ten."

"They weren't exactly happy I had just killed one of their own. Believe me the year was a lucky deal itself. Now then, what are your thoughts on pie?" He says and I look at him confused. He stopped asking about what the demon said. Did he figure it out? Was he toying with me? What does pie have to do with anything?

"It is a delicious dessert that surpasses all except thin mints. Did you figure it out?"

"How can you say thin mints are better than pie? Yes I did figure it out I think, that is why I asked about pie."

"It only misses by a hair. What does pie have to do with it then?"

"Pie is amazing, and if you are into the short one, then you have to love pie. Or at least bake a good pie." He says and I laugh.

"I'm not a baker. I can barely make eggs." I say and it is his turn to laugh.

"Well at least you enjoy pie. The tall one can teach you how to make eggs. The short one will teach you how to use a grill while he still can. I need you to promise me something." He says and with the last sentence his tone gets serious and his face hardens.

"What?" I ask and his grip tightens around the wheel.

"There is no way to stop me from going into the pit, it is happening. I want you to promise me that you will have a life. That you will find someone, build a life, and a family. I don't want to be in the pit and worrying about you." He says and I feel a lump in my throat. The whole hell thing seemed like it was so distant but what he just said makes it feel really soon.

"Dean-" I say but Dean cuts me off.

"Promise me." He says his voice being so serious. It hurts how intense he just became.

"I promise." I say and we pull into a parking lot. It says it is The Roadhouse. This must be where we dropped off Sam while I was sleeping. Dean stops the car and gets out. I move to get out of the car but before I can open my door Dean is back inside.

"You meant me right?" He says and I smile.

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