Chapter 14

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"Winter if you are going to lie then just don't talk okay." He says and walks out of the room.

I feel tears falling but I cannot seem to be able to make a sound. I want to just scream until my lungs give out but my body won't let me. I sit here in silence and just let them flow. Why am I just doing this? Why am I crying? I'm crying because I don't want to lose Dean before I have to. I need to get off this bed, fix myself in the mirror and walk out with my head held high.

Who am I kidding? There is no way I can walk out with my head high. I just got kicked for telling the truth. I don't know what happened out there but I know I didn't mean to. The pain in my chest is so intense and all because I told the truth.

This isn't fair to me. This isn't right to punish someone for doing the right thing. Or at least what I thought was right at the time. How come I couldn't stop? Why couldn't my tounge stop moving?

I need to leave again. Not just the room but the town. The people. The air.

Winter no. You can't do this to yourself. Not again. You can't keep running from your problems. Especially when you have spent so long missing the people you are finally with. You need to get off your ass and fucking apologize.

I walk out of the room and back down the stairs. I see Sam and walk straight over to him. He is sitting at the bar. I sit next to him and he seems tense from my presence.

"Sam I'm sorry." I say and he looks at me.

"Winter it's nothing." He says but I know he is lying.

"Sam can I talk to you? Please?" I say and he looks at me. I guess something about my face says desperate.

"Yeah let's go outside." He says and we walk out to the parking lot. He stands there looking at me waiting for an answer.

"Listen I don't know what just happened okay. I was standing there yelling at myself to stop. I was shaking and I felt like I was going to fall. I am so sorry. Lately things have been really weird and it's not just around me like I thought it was. A lot of things I have attributed to my training but, as much as I wish I could say it was Sean's fault, it wasn't. That had nothing to do with Sean and I have no idea what it was. Please believe me when I say that I am sorry. I really did not mean to." I say getting a lot more off my chest than I had hoped to.

I hear applause come from behind me and whip around to see Dean standing there. My eyes widen; I really didn't need him to know all of that. That was my apology for Sam not Dean. Dean didn't need to know all of that stuff, it makes me seem weak and vulnerable. Dean opens his arms but I stand tall. Alone but tall. No arrogance this is not the time.

I run into his arms, into the hug, into him. I close my eyes and just stand there for a moment as he holds me. This is nothing like what I had thought it would be like when we were kids and I had a crush on the boy who Dad made me leave. The older boy, the boy who seemed tough because he didn't want to get hurt again like he had when his mother died. You don't talk about Mary to the boys unless you want to be slapped. I remember that from when we were little. He was so much more innocent when we were younger. So much kinder looking and just overall softer. Not that he isn't soft now, he feels like a pillow right now.

In fact he feels much more like a pillow than any human should. I open my eyes and I am in bed. I snap upright and I realize that I am in my room at my fathers house. How? Was everything just a dream? I get out of bed and walk around. This feels like reality but so did the other thing. I grab my phone and check the date. It's the 27 of November, my eighteenth birthday. I get dressed and walk down stairs to find the smell of pancakes filling my nostrils. I walk into the kitchen and my suspicions are confirmed. Everything was just a dream I had. Just one really weird dream. There is no way of knowing that that is what the boys even really look like. What caused me to dream about the boys anyway? Why did I do that of all things?

"Honey are you okay? Your mind seems to be going a hundred miles an hour right now." My dad says and I look at him. I feel a sense of hatred because of what Dean had told me. It was just a dream Winter. This is reality.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Pancakes?" I say trying to get the dream off my mind. Trying to resist the urge to just whisper chrisco. Just to see what would happen.

"Yeah well I figured since it is your birthday you could have pancakes just this once." He says in a joking tone. I roll my eyes and smile. Right then there is a knock on the door. I run over and open the door to be standing in front of the boys.

"Hi we are agents-" Sam starts but I cut him off.

"Hello there boys."

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