Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:


We pull up to a hotel in the town that I just left. The town that I drove as far away as possible from. I look out the window and sigh. I guess I can't leave.

"What's wrong?" Dean asks. He must have heard my sigh.

"I have some people to see while we're here."

"You know people in Belleville New Jersey?"

"Remember how I kinda left my dad and stuff?"


"This is where Dad and I moved to." I say faking a smile.

"If your going to go see your dad then I'm going with you I have a few things to say to Sean."

"Dean nothing rude."

"Why I don't have to impress him." He says getting cocky.

"Damn it Dean. He is still my dad! Also what happened to your dad? He's gonna ask."

"My Dad traded his soul so I could live. I'm still pissed at him for it."

"I am kinda upset to but at least your still here though." I say and pat his arm. We both get out of the Impala and I see someone walking down the street. Crap! First person I see has to be her!

"Oh my god Winter?" I hear her squeaky voice call.

"Oh my god Jes?!?!" I say with fake excitement in the same voice as her. Dean starts laughing.

"OMG you're back! How long are you back for!" She says enveloping me in a huge hug.

"Not very long. How long do you think Dean?" I ask pulling him into the conversation. Jes lets me go and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"A week at the most." He says and Jes's eyes go wide.

"Winter! You got a boyfriend and didn't call me!" She says offended. Dean and I both start laughing.

"I'm sorry Jes I just can't right now."

"You two have to come over for dinner tonight! Billie and I would just die if you don't!"

"We wouldn't miss it for the world!" I say still in the cheesy voice. She claps like a girly girl then turns around and skips away. Dean and I walk up to the check in and I see another person. Him I was at least planning on saying hi to.

"Winter?" He asks and I smile like a maniac.

"FRANKIE!!!!" I yell and run around the counter.

"What are you doing back?" He asks nervously.

"Business. Oh room for two please. Two double beds if that's available."

"So you two aren't a thing?"

"You remember how I used to tell you about the Winchesters?"


"This is Dean the older one."

"Awesome! You found them! Bro she would not shut up about you and your little brother! Mostly about you though."

"FRANK!!!" I yell feeling my cheeks turn bright red.

"What OHHH YEAH! I'm so telling him."

"Frank no!" I say with panic in my voice.

"Dean she was so into you when we were younger."

"FRANK! I am so going to kill you!" I say and he hands me a key.

"Hey you can't do that because I'm putting the charge to your Dad's card."

"Fine but still mad at you. So do you know who is dating Jes?" I ask and hand Dean the key.

"Why do you care you hate her."

"Because I am having dinner with her and her boyfriend so Iero who am I having dinner with?"


"Damn it are you serious!" I ask all color draining from my face. Brock hates my guts and I am kinda scared of him.

"Yup but you will be fine if he tries anything you can so kick his ass." Frank says in as assuring of a tone as he can muster.

"Dean sure can." I say and a blush rises to my cheeks.

"Here I will show you to your room." Frank says.

"Its not the usual?" I say and he smiles.

"Oh it is. I am just walking you to it." Frank says with a smirk and I smile. I walk back out to the Impala and grab my bag. Then I turn and walk toward my home away from home. Room 13. Yeah its always open because of the number. Rumor around town says that its haunted. Believemeitsnot. But Dean is gonna check it out anyway I just know he will.

"Here we are man. By the way nice catch she's talented." Frank says and my eyes grow to the size of saucers. Maybe introducing Dean to Frank was a bad idea. I unlock the door and put my bag on my bed. The one closest to the bathroom. I have so many memories in this room. Dean puts his bag on the other bed and he looks like he wants to ask questions.

"Ask away." I say as I hear Frank walk out.

"What did he mean your talented?"

"It was a joke."

"Also what is so bad about Brock?"

"You'll find out."

"No warning?"


"If he's a demon I'm gonna kick your ass."

"Why mine I'm not the demon?"

"Yeah but if you know and don't tell you get your but kicked. Winchester rule."

"Well if he's a demon I wouldn't be surprised but he's not that I know of." I say and plop down on my bed.

"Well if he is then crap."

"Oh guess what." I say and Deans eyebrows raise.


"This room is supposedly haunted." I say and we both start laughing.

"Well if it is we will fix it." Dean laughs. I smile and open my suitcase.

"I'm gonna start getting ready our dinner arrangements. You should to. Just dress like normal it will scare the crap out of Brock." I say and walk into the bathroom. I lock the door and start to get ready for the shower.

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