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Winter and her father Sean used to be close friends with the Winchesters. Sam, Dean, and Winter were inseparable when they were little. So when her father decided that it was time to go their sperate ways Winter was devastated. She was torn to pieces and when she turned 18 she got into her Ford Pickup Truck and drove. She did not know where she was going or what was calling her there but she drove and drove until she reached a city limits sign and decided that it was time to stop. She walked into a diner and the people in the booth next to her looked all to familiar.


Ok so this was on my old account but then I remembered that I kinda have family on that account and uhh this contains some language and possibly smut not sure yet possibly in the feature. So buck up because this is going to be one hell of a ride. Also FYI this takes place before Dean goes to hell so yeah.

Second Chance (Supernatural Fanfic) COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें