Chapter 16: The Story Begins

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Here's the next chapter! So sorry for the delay T_T
This chapter contains a lot of what I perceive JC's characterization is. There is genuine love for WWX as his brother just like JYL but it is always stained and accompanied by the shadow of jealousy and inferiority that are built into their relationship due to the insecurities they have from YZY's constant treatment and verbal abuse towards the both of them. While he still loves his siblings and sect dearly, WWX is unable to forget with the memories of his past life and all the things that these people did to him. This chapter goes a little into how he deals with that.
All the usual warnings apply including WWX's tumultuous thoughts and tendencies to be unhealthy in body and mind... happy reading!
~ worldlesswanderer


Wei Wuxian allowed himself to sink into a sleep that would undoubtedly be filled with the beautiful memories of the past three months and hellish nightmares from his past life in anticipation of meeting Jiang Cheng and Shijie the next morning.


Wei Wuxian awoke to a slender hand threading through his stubborn curls. After a night of good sleep on a comfortable bed, albeit restless and plagued by the memories of his past life, his bones finally seemed to settle back into his skin. Wei Wuxian yawned, scrunching his nose and blinked up at the charming smile his Shijie wore.

"Xianxian slept on his stomach last night," Jiang Yanli wisphered, a sad smile gracing benevolent features, "Will Shijie's one year old Xianxian let her see?" There was no one that knew him as well as his shijie. Jiang Yanli cared for Wei Wuxian as a mother would her son, so it was not surprising that she noticed his sleeping habits and recognized it to be unusual.

Wei Wuxian whined up at her, "Xianxian is three! Xianxian met Lei-Daifu so Shijie doesn't need to worry."

His Shijie hummed before shifting over so that Wei Wuxian could get up. "Xianxian has grown up in three months hasn't he?" Jiang Yanli lovingly caressed his cheek before frowning as her gaze went lower.

Wei Wuixan nuzzled into her hand with a content sigh as she spoke her next words.

"A'Xian. Haven't you eaten enough?"

Wei Wuxian flinched into awareness. He followed the young lady's gaze to where her hands had dropped to trace the slightly prominent knobs of his rib cage where his inner robe lay open. Wei Wuxian felt a flush rise up his cheeks as he struggled to explain.

"Shijie~ I didn't mean to! Just forgot sometimes..."

Jiang Yanli dropped her hand and looked up at him with worried exasperation.

"A'Xian, you are leaving for Cloud Recesses soon. I will worry if this is the state my little brother leaves in." She sighed, "A'Xian must promise Shijie that he will talk to someone within the Lan Sect -whether it be a healer or a friend- and ask them to watch you on Shijie's behalf."

Wei Wuxian balked at her in obvious shame. "Shijie! I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself! Besides, the Lan have strict timings and portions for their meals, there's no way I'd miss it!"

Jiang Yanli looked into his eyes, seemingly searching for something. Once she had confirmed something, she pinched his nose and smiled brightly.

"Alright then! I will trust you! Now, Xianxian should get ready and meet the shidis and shimeis before leaving. They have missed their Da-shixiong so much!"

Wei Wuxian grinned at her brightly, getting up with newly found spirit before pausing when Jiang Yanli called after him from where she was seated on his bed once again.

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