Chapter 3

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I shuttered from the cold air hitting my body, my room wasn't that cold. This means I could only assume I wasn't anywhere near home. My eyes slowly began to blink and I felt a pounding headache throughout my head.

My eyes were met with a stone cold floor which my body laid on. I was laying on my side which made my body ache insanely bad. I groaned and sat up. It was dark and gloomy with bad energy. It was so bad I swear I could see it.

There was a bed resting on the left side of the wall I was looking at. No pillow and no blanket. Great!

My bones and muscles ached so badly when I began to try to stand up. I failed and fell on my knees holding onto the right side of my abdomen. Why the fuck did it hurt so bad?

I decided staying on the floor was smarter. I wanted to get a better look at the room so I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles.

The walls and floor were grey cement that was absolutely freezing. Only thing that was lighting the room up was the small lightbulb stuck on the ceiling. There was a door on my left through a small hallway, but there was no point. I already knew it wouldn't budge. I turned to my right and saw a small window.

Would anyone be able to hear me? I hugged my knees and hung my head. This is where I'm m going to die? Why me?

I tried getting up again holding my weight on my arms. It was working until I looked up.

I turned fully around and was expecting to be met with cement wall but no- I was instead met with a mirror. Was it even a mirror? I didn't see my own reflection. I squinted forward and then I saw it.

"What the fuck?!"

That definitely was not me. If my mind isn't playing with me that was definitely Han Jisung. I gasped and slammed my palm on my mouth. I totally forgot. When I woke up all I could think about is 'why me?' It didn't even cross my mind that it definitely was not just me.

I saw the short boy perk up and look around in confusion. "Hello...?" I slowly put my hand down and crawled towards the mirror.

Yeah no this definitely wasn't a mirror. "Han?" The boy suddenly stood up from the bed and looked around in panic.

I tilted my head in confusion. I sat on my knees and tapped the mirror. He turned his head and looked straight at me. He tilted his head and took careful steps towards me. Could he see me?

"...I fucking knew it!!" I jumped from the sudden loud yell. I looked towards the mirror again and saw the brown haired boy punch the air.

What the hell was he so excited for? I scrunched my eyebrows in total confusion. "Is there someone in there?" He leaned forward and went down on one knee.

I would've probably backed away in person but I couldn't help but notice his looks. He looked absolutely exhausted. He had a tiny white bandaid on his nose bridge and his hair was bushy and messy around his forehead.

I thought his hair was brown but I swore I saw some red. He had on a white t-shirt with a silver dog tag hanging on his neck. His black baggy pants were slightly dirty and his black platform combat boots were almost worse.

"...can you not see me?" I whispered softly almost quiet enough as a pin drop.

"Ahh I was right." He said in amusement. He walked back towards the bed that was facing my own with his hands in his pockets.

"No I can't see you. This is a two way mirror." I let his words sink in. What the fuck is a two way mirror? I thought for a second and it clicked.

He sat on the bed and lifted his knee up. He didn't seem to give a shit if the bed was dirty or not.

"You're joking." The boy chuckled and shook his head. His fingers were playing with the hem on his shirt and his hair was falling against his eyes.

"You sound familiar who are you?" His words said he was interested but his face gave a calm expression. Only detail to be seen was his eyes fixated on his shirt.

"...Lee Minho" it was then I saw his eyes pause. I could visibly see his realization.

He looked up slightly and scrunched his eyebrows. "...for real-?" I snickered a little bit and shrugged my shoulders as if he could see.

"Why, is that bad?" He smiled back down at his shirt and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm just shocked I always thought of you as invincible or something." Invincible? Definitely not. I admit I picked up a fight but it didn't help.

"Ah okay all tough and shit hm? I'm not invincible definitely no that man was strong he had me taken off guard." Han frowned and he looked up towards the mirror.

"How'd you get here in the first place?" I sighed and stretched out my limbs. It felt safe so I gently got up and walked towards with a small limp.

"I woke up in the middle of the night and tried going to the gas station I guess it didn't woke out." I laid down and was met with something way more comfortable then the floor.

The bed definitely wasn't soft but it was better then nothing. "What about you? You seem oddly calm it's kind of creeping me out." I chuckled a little bit.

I was met with a small silence that made me peak up and look at the mirror. I also saw him laying down with his chest falling up and down.

"I don't really know to be honest. I just know he hit me so bad I forgot most of everything. Kind of sucks right?" He softly laughed and I couldn't help but frown.

"Then why are you so calm? You're talking to me like we knew each other." I sat up and looked at him through the wall.

"Oh no I am definitely not calm. One thing I do remember is when I woke up I screamed and tried everything to get out. It didn't work, but I don't want to overwhelm you. It's scary but if we just met with my screaming, crying, and literal panic I'm not sure you'd be so calm either." I thought for a little and took in his reply.

I hummed and nodded my head mumbling a small 'that makes sense.'

"I'm going to be honest I won't be shocked if you freak out later when it all hits in." He shrugged his shoulders and laid down on his side.

"Right..." I heard footsteps coming from the outside of the room and Han cursed.

"Shit okay listen I don't know if he wanted us to talk or not but play it safe and I'm going to act like I'm asleep okay??" I said okay and started scratching my hand and playing with my nails as I grew more anxious the closer his steps got.

As time grew longer and longer.

I heard the door twist open.

Two Way Mirror//ᴍɪɴꜱᴜɴɢWhere stories live. Discover now