Chapter 6

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-No ones POV-

"It has disappointed us all to see Mr Lee Minho gone missing last night. If anyone has any ideas where he could've gone please contacts us at ***** Thank you everyone, please stay safe."

Felix has never felt so low in his life. "No no no." Bangchan and Seungmin stood right by him when they heard the news on the school intercoms. Chan grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into his arms.

"I'm so sorry Felix." Seungmin rubbed Felix's back and gave a consoling look towards Chan. They both frowned when they heard Felix let out a hiccup and then Chan felt his shoulder becoming wet.

Seungmin slowly let his hand go and then he looked behind him to see the other three boys almost in the same distress. Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jeongin.

"No they're lying!!" Hyunjin pushed Changbin away which caught attention from multiple students nearby including Felix and his two friends.

"Hyung, I don't think this is a joke." Jeongin sniffled and rubbed his eyes. He didn't want to cry, not at school, not in front of everyone.

Hyunjin didn't want to either but he felt his emotions taking a big control that he was fighting against. Changbin tried to stay strong for his two friends. He wanted to be there for them even if he was struggling himself.

All the other students began to look away to cover their privacy as everyone knew they all hung with Minho. "Leeknow is not gone. Come on, we literally saw him yesterday!!!" Hyunjin rested a hand on his hip and the other hand on his hair.

"Hyunjin, we are going to find him. I swear I will make sure he's home." Changbin grabbed Hyunjins shoulder and the male couldn't find it in him to look Changbin in the eye.

He crossed his arms and turned his head away looking up with his glossy eyes. His black bangs were lightly brushing the top of his eyelids. He heard Jeongin sniffle and he shut his eyes as tight as possible.

With everyone's talking and the people wandering around it was nothing but overwhelming. "Right...I just can't believe he's gone. Why him too?"

Felix overheard and he lifted his head from Chan's shoulder. He brushed his dark brown hair back and sniffled. "Let's just go to class or something."

Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jeongin stood by for a little and stayed in silence. Maybe it was for respect or maybe it was because they didn't know how to react.

They all continued on to school and tried staring as quiet as they could get. Classmates became even more quiet. First the Beomgyu incident happened, then Han disappeared, and now Minho is gone as well?

Everyone believed Han ran away but after this. Was this really the case? Felix sat in class zoned out on the board in front of him. He fiddled with his pencil in his hand as he took slow breathes.

This was all a lie. Han didn't run away and he knew it. Minho wouldn't just coincidentally run away at the same time. They were not the type to do that. Felix believed they might even would've been friends if it wasn't for their different areas.

"You know what class may be dismissed just go to lunch." The teacher sat down on his seat and rubbed his temples. It was useless teaching a bunch of kids math formulas when they were stressed.

Felix wasted no time and left. Hyunjin's eyes followed him as he left but he sighed and rested his head on his arms.

Felix stood up and left he made sure to meet up with Seungmin and Chan on his way to the cafeteria. Apparently all classes had been let out early because he saw Jeongin and Changbin sitting at their table waiting for Hyunjin, he assumed.

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